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RE:Spamhaus Ignores U.S. Court?

From: "Randall M" <randallm () fidmail com>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 12:57:51 -0500

Fergie told us:

[Message: 3
[Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 18:45:42 GMT
[From: "Fergie" <fergdawg () netzero net>
[Subject: [funsec] Spamhaus Ignores U.S. Court?
[To: funsec () linuxbox org
[Message-ID: <20060915.114625.2704.957766 () webmail06 lax untd com>
[Content-Type: text/plain
[Via News.
[UK anti-spam outfit Spamhaus is ignoring a US District Court for the
[Northern District of Illinois ruling ordering it to fork out
[$11,715,000 in damages to e360insight and e360insight's David Linhardt.
[The court also told Spamhaus, "to remove Linhardt's ROKSO record and to
[cease blocking Linhardt's spam," it says.
[But the Illinois ruling, "shows U.S. courts can be bamboozled by
[spammers with ease," says Spamhaus, pointing out the suit went to
[default judgement when Spamhaus didn't accept US jurisdiction and,
[therefore, didn't defend it.
[- ferg

I read this the other day only it was being presented in an unfavorable way,
the spammer winning. Hated that. But today it's stating something bigger. I
just am not sure how to word it. 

"Who has rights where and over who?" 

In this case a "Business" or "Service" operating over the internet is
"blocked" by another "Business" or "Service" operating over the internet
who's service is used by other "Businesses" or "Services". This service is
provided via interpretations on "spamming".

The one owner sues this service because it disrupts his business. The said
business operates under law in another country. The Service operates under
the laws of another country. 

I think you see where I am going with this. From another perspective here's
a problem F-Secure is having with a site owned and operating by Malware


Just how hard is it to get one website off the net?

Over the last week, we've found several new variants of the Warezov family.
They are all using the same website to download additional components and
updates: We believe this domain is registered by the
authors of this malware just for this purpose.

Likewise, earlier versions of Warezov used another domain for the same
purpose: Yeah, where do they get these names from? I
wonder if they mean something in some language?

We've now been trying to get off the net since last
Sunday. I suppose other antivirus companies have tried too, and I know CERTs
have been working on this (Hi Toni). However, it's still there, and the bad
boys are still regularly posting new content in the specific download URL on
this server.

Svensk politiker leker pirat?   Posted by Stefan @ 13:19 GMT

I get effected by this malware. I sue this site. They laugh. Perhaps I just
need to shut up and except the fact that the internet is owned buy no one.
Every site, business, company, service or whoever can do what they want
anytime anyplace and evil is only in the eye of the beholders. Who decides
different from my opinion?

Well, like I said in the beginning, just not sure how to word this.

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