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Ever cought BitchX listening on a port ?

From: nc () stormvault net (Nicolas Couture)
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 14:58:29 -0400

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The version of BitchX used in the fallowing suprise is the lastest
debian package from mirrors.kernel.org installed with apt-get.

Suprise from BitchX fallows
                                --- cut ---
+ dimension:/home/remote# nmap -sS -vv -P0 -p 1-65535
+ Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA31 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
+ Host dimension ( appears to be up ... good.
+ Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against dimension (
+ Adding open port 21/tcp
+ adjust_timeout: packet supposedly had rtt of 9246519 microseconds.=20
+ Ignoring time.
+ adjust_timeout: packet supposedly had rtt of 21246336 microseconds.=20
+ Ignoring time.
+ Adding open port 54655/tcp=20

+ dimension:/home/remote# netstat -tap | grep 54655
+ tcp        0      0 *:54655                 *:*                   =20
+ LISTEN      28549/BitchX
+ dimension:/home/remote# killall BitchX
+ dimension:/home/remote# netstat -tap | grep 54655
+ dimension:/home/remote# nmap -sS -vv -P0 -p 1-65535
+ Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA31 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
+ Host dimension ( appears to be up ... good.
+ Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against dimension (
+ Adding open port 32768/tcp
+ adjust_timeout: packet supposedly had rtt of 9199896 microseconds.=20
+ Ignoring time.
+ Adding open port 22/tcp
+ adjust_timeout: packet supposedly had rtt of 21199929 microseconds.=20
+ Ignoring time.
+ adjust_timeout: packet supposedly had rtt of 10193384 microseconds.=20
+ Ignoring time.
+ adjust_timeout: packet supposedly had rtt of 22193084 microseconds.=20
+ Ignoring time.
+ Adding open port 6000/tcp
+ adjust_timeout: packet supposedly had rtt of 45199938 microseconds.=20
+ Ignoring time.
+ Adding open port 21/tcp
+ adjust_timeout: packet supposedly had rtt of 8996397 microseconds.=20
+ Ignoring time.
+ The SYN Stealth Scan took 88 seconds to scan 65535 ports.
+ Interesting ports on dimension (
+ (The 65531 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
+ Port       State       Service
+ 21/tcp     open        ftp
+ 22/tcp     open        ssh
+ 6000/tcp   open        X11
+ 32768/tcp  open        unknown
+Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 88 seconds

+++ And netstat agreed +++
                                --- cut ---

Additional info:

After this incident I tried to reproduce the same thing many times
without success.

There was in no case any DCC used on this bitchx session (which should
bring the client to listen on a port) which was the only one running on
that box.

Unfortunately I do not have the required skills to go anymore further in
that case.

A question I have:

What would have being usefull to run to gain more information about
this? I.E. if it was a bitchx exploit I could have caught it in action
using x IDS or something similar.

        Nicolas Couture

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