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Blackfist Sunday Sermon, Prayer Meeting & 10k wizard funnypages

From: theblackfist () hushmail com (theblackfist () hushmail com)
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 08:25:38 -0700

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      With the fist of contemplation

                    "Pray with us and absolve your afflictions"

1.Dissident Evaluation of Shawn Moyer +
  0-d4y for he employers bunghole by L-tryptophan

2.Case Studies :: Spotlight on Full-Disclosure by dIld0-teQ

3.Revisited - ELITE COMMANDMENTS by elite news weekly

4.Brief Description ( very brief) of us. - inspired by some god of myrth

5.reserved for non-sheep


Let Us Pray ...



To all whom it may concern: Greeting and Health.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


  File # 1 .:.
Evalutation of Shawn Moyer
or "Why anonymity is preferable"


Subject harbors dissident tendencies, but is held in check by
comfort levels provided by corporate sponsor. Sean write
personal mail to me and call attention to himself as well as
he employer Reinsurance Group of America and they SEC looksee
thing called 10kwizard. Well, 10 minutes later we GET signal.
20 minutes later we POST signal

Solution :

Cause problems at he place of work Reinsurance Group of America.
Find hole in they system. Break stupid hole. Make public fun.
Call disgusting profiteer boss and tell Mr. Doug Knowling or maybe
Mr. Rick Nolle that Shawn Moyer-guru played active part in conspiracy
to make hurt for FTC and edgar-facelift-SEC_SERCHER 10kwizard.

Step #2  Contact Martin Zacarias @ 10k wizard and let them know
what you think of a respectable co. like RGA allowing someone
like shawn, who is obviously a terrorist, to remain on the payroll.

p.s. : 0-d4y!! the wee script you guys (rgare.com ) use for SEC
looking-glass ( 10k wizard) is full of shit.


this is just hint, but bad bad param checking.

10kPubah.c = Conspiracy to commit fraud, Ongoing criminal enterprise,
several violations of mutliple alphabet soup trade commisions, and I believe
you have opened your self to asset forfeiture.

heee heee haaa haaa

Note to Shawn: this is for your own good. you are not your khakis.

  File # 2 .:.

Idea of mutually beneficial collective mind is negentropic and
sound principle. We try to mirror this type of thought in closed
circles ( REAL vulnerability disclosure lists ). In a true reci-
procating hive mind, moderation is uneeded. However, ( there
is always a but..) we , collectively feel that the lists, and
the exploitation of the works of non-profit interests in the
security industry is abusive and criminal at best. In short...

Case A : JP

I am Johnny Palindrome. I just finished my MCSE and CCNA and I have
discovered really interesting vuln list that opens a whole new world
of $opportunity$. I have no coding skill, but I manage to learn some
debugging skills. I pester Mr. Dave Aitel the scary guy about SPIKE,
but dave says "RTFM", so I take next logical step ( no not reading),
and use fuzz point and clik equivalent flawfinder and its4 learn to
make impressive reports regarding network daemonz. I ride on the backs
of non profit research to affluence and high priced prostitutes and
dinner @ spago* for 2 on the muther-fucking A-LIST.

*ed note( I work there part time as a sous chef for altruistic purposes
 [urinating in the soup of the filthy rich, initiating discreet affairs
 with the wives of businessman for alterior motives {0-day knowledge of
 SEC filings}, and planting mind-bombs in unwitting employees and tourists
 who, believing themselves inspired by original thought/epiphany, then propagate
 my warez to thier friends, family and peergroups ]I MAKE A MEAN LOBSTER BISQUE. )

Case B : JR

I am Johnny Rotten. I hate everyone. My mother sodomized me with
a curling iron as a child and I blame the world and my actions reflect
this. I dropped out of school in 4th grade, but my aptitude for math
makes me prime candidate for channel #hackphreak on undernet ( where
Rloxley QUOTE: " Turns boys into men" { I have no fucking idea what
he meant by that, but it just doesn't sound right } ) They tell me about
the semen-traq vulnerablity mailing list, and i rapidly learn how to
turn noise into half-ass signal for playing childish pranks that get
me landed in the lovely sheradon federal correctional institution
for 1st timer sissy-bad-guys (fuck that. send me to lewisburg where
I can stab people wihtout losing my good time). I am released to large
press event that touts me as a formiddable hacker regardless of posts
from the underground proving otherwise. Logs of my begging for warez.
"You know where to get BF-Opens-VMS73.py ?????" etc.

Case C: alpha/omega

I am replication of negentropy personified. I see through the smokescreen
and lies. I refuse to participate in the corrosive activities your society encourages and embraces. In a world where 
"peace keeping forces" drop bombs, I think that being labeled"nutcase" is probably a compliment. I am a walking living 
claymore of thought and purpose. My every waking moments are spentplotting/planning and shooting neuro-linguistic and 
algo shrapnel into the collective belief system through whatever medium or aptitude the morningstarsaw fit to bless my 
pointed little head with. I am ALWAYS creating, always moving,always DOING. I do not put my eggs in one basket. I study 
several schools of thought as safeguard against indoctrination into sheep-thought. ( "kill the ragheads!" "Operation 
TIPS is for our protection" "hurry up, and make the payment on the volvo Steve...TRL live is on @ 5) I have 
"catalyst"tatooed on my forehead.

Although Case C is a little radical and probably a bit disturbed, a rational mind can see that case c has chosen to 
alter his own evolution instead of following
the destructive and parasitic patterns of the environment he was born into.

I could elaborate and fascinate with my unending talent to verbally masturbate upon this subject, but this makes the 
point I think. Our world is sick becauseof these types of thought processes. People wanting something for nothing. 
People exploiting others for profit. Who is John Gault? ( no Ayn Rand attacks please. Done to death. I don't really 
care much for her anyways)

what would you chose?

  File # 3 .:.

- ---------------------------------------

         Elite Commandments:

1] Never admit you have no idea what
   you're talking about.

2] Never have a good word to say about
   anyone else but yourself.

3] Join every group that will let you
   join. After a few weeks have passed,
   quit & claim they aren't good enough
   to merit your prescence.

4] Always shift the blame to someone
   else. "It's not my fault" should
   become 2nd nature to you.

5] Always have nasty things to say
   about your so called friends behind
   their backs.

6] Hate as many people as possible.

7] Start as many rag wars as humanly
   possible. When your up against
   intelligent people (As on Adventurers
   Tavern, 1982-1986. RIP), and losing
   your end of the war. Say "This is
   stupid and childish, even if I did
   start it", and stop posting.

8] When someone becomes pushy and openly
   challenges your lack of knowledge
   about something. Say "I know the
   answer, but you're not elite enough,
   so I can't tell you".

9] If anyone still dares to question you
   then threaten them with tough things
   like getting someone to turn their
   phones off, or charge 10 billion
   toilets on their mothers credit card.
   (It doesn't matter whether or not you
   actually know how to do this, or know
   anyone else who will do it for you.
   This is a favorite tactic of ELITE!@
   phreak groups like L0D!!@#1!.) If all
   else fails began chanting "Cable
   throw, Cable throw, Cable throw" or
   if you are a pirate: make a fright-
   ening rag page on them in your next
   Copya crack.

[Warning: Be sure to only use this on a
 fellow ELITE!@#1! phreak, pirate or
 equivalent ignorant person. Anyone else
 will laugh at you & tell you to fuck
 off. Only adding to the questioning
 of your massive eliteness.]

10] Make as big a fool of yourself as
    is possible. Display your ignorance
    and stupidity in a manner that will
    make itself noticible to the modem
    community at large. If you are a
    aspiring elite pirate, get your
    name on as many copya cracks as
    fast as possible. Or if you are a
    up and coming elite phreak, start
    up your own little world (or join
    someone else who has already done
    this, such as LOD), refuse to see
    anyones viewpoint but your own, &
    declare yourselves mega-elite.

Remember: When in doubt, repeat to
yourself the sacred chant: "I am elite,
I can't be wrong, I am elite, I am
always right and know everything",
repeat until your confidense is restored
(Humming, or accompanyment by a choir,
 is optional).

Also be certain to rag on anyone who
displays any kind of knowledge about
anything, and is not currently ELITE!@#
If he's not elite, he can't be right.
After all, everyone in the universe
cares about the "elite hierarchy!", its
what makes the world go around!@#23!!!!

  File # 4 .:.

*__* whats all that black fist craziness about?
*__* i mean, what's the point?
*__*> have you read any of it ?
*__*>  it isnt about fighting **** if that is what you are wondering
*__*> anti-sec, anti-establishment, pro-individualist,
+intellectual-rennaissance movement for lack of better terminology.
*__*> roots in culture-jamming, future-culture, b0f inspired ranting with
+hardline technocratic slant
*__* sounds interesting :)

/* hard to describe something in perpetual evolution


You're always hiding behind your so called goddess
So what you don't think that we can see your face
Resurrected back before the final fallen
now they've arrest until I can make my own way
I'm not afraid of fading
I stand alone
Version: Hush 2.1
Note: This signature can be verified at https://www.hushtools.com


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