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Good Bye! :] << nice way to say " im owned" ( yes #parse. this is real)

From: theblackfist () hushmail com (theblackfist () hushmail com)
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 21:50:02 -0700

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The Blackest Fist,



You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.

On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 04:12:18PM -0700, theblackfist () hushmail com wrote:
in progress. You listened to mtv lately?

I don't own a Television...

good for you. 2 points in your favor

if you would reflect for a moment
.. think about carolyn, theo, ryann russel. dont get yourself hurt sun

Yeah what sort of threats are you making Bush^H^H^H^HTBF? We know that
Cain killed Abel. We know that the Buddha was given a tasty mushroom
as his last meal. We know that Judas was working for Caesar
undercover. You ain't saying nuttin new. We know who murdered JFK and
Malcom X. Martin Luther King Jr. And every other man who has stood up
for what's right. We know who really blew up twin towers. Ya'll just
talk too damn much.

Y'all ? unfortunately not many people understand the depth of
our collective problems. I stand alone as do we all. tbf started as a joke, remains a joke. amplify real problems with 
people hear.

I resent that. my agenda is a tad deeper than defacement
 and we own 75% of india btw

Your agenda is not what I am criticising. Your medium for trying to
express your beliefs has been proven ineffective. I played that game

 I highly doubt you have ever delved into the darkness in which we dwell.

Nothing was solved. Only more laws passed to jail your ass if you
try to speak from another IP. Speak from your own. And you will be
just as effective. Spam isn't illegal. Why not spam every address on
the net with the truth. Or perhaps you too fear that one day you won't
wake up mother find you with a slit throat and tongue missing.

you haven't slapped me yet?
come get some

Well if I haven't made it clear before that this is war than let me do
so now. I toss down the gauntlet. I see through lies and time and
space. So you can take pleasure into fooling the masses to think I am
the enemy. But I will take pride in knowing the truth.

you are thru. Your professor is safe.

is that an open challenge? I suppose action will have to be taken
unfortunately this isn't a game I can back from.
see, the po-leese have kicked my door and I am a fugitive
this is not a joke/game/lie to me
i am not like you.
I am real in theory, action, and practice
you say that this is nothing new
I retain true sorrow regarding your lack of perception.

im sure you have already contacted the indian guv

No but I did bcc the admin of that vhost you used a CGI to cat
/etc/passwd with. GForce Pakistan knows core's knowledge. They ripped

 gforce hahahahahahahahahahaha
shall I make your buddies targets too? I am sure they will thank you.


my gfx for they logo. Why don't you know? Or are you so new to the
scene you thought you came first? Well I hate to burst your bubble
bitch but many a man has flown his flag on the net. You ain't first or
last. Just another detail.

gfx? logos?


flag? popularity? you obviously do not know me

go fuq yourself rat

I did rat your ass. And if you want I'll root your ass then rat your
docs to India so they can send their mercs over there to bust your
head into the concrete opressive style. You think I never read about
the ways of Indian .gov? You need to get with )ead(alm and ask him who
core is or something.

you are self admitted informant. unworthy of conversation.
conversation was admittedly stimulating until your
blatant admission of informant mind-set.

btw, own me charles. please. I would love to see it. I will save you alot of enum. :

7 boxes

3 bsd
3 xp
1 openvms

2 dmz's
 1 cisco piece of shit with with hard core access-list praw-sessing

important internals run cygwin
( I am on dev team see link library fanatickz @
transmeta. I also have my hand in a variety of embedded copper sis-temz/ka clustering etc.)

I use diceware method for all of my users. If you would like to
know about innovative bruting methods for passphrases involving neet pattern mathing algos you are welcome to mail me. 
I will assist you in attempting to "hack" me.

let it die charlie.
Im not stupid enough to log back into your box.
But I know people who will.

Come get some.



you have no right to talk to me. ever had your door kicked in?

Yes actually. I've done my time for my crimes and you know what... no
felony. So fuck you! You think america is this happy place with no
violence you need to start reading the ATL obituaries.. or maybe I
just paste some Pastor Troy so that you know that we have
hardship. But not from our government or police. We let our fellow
citizens do the dirty work. Maybe feds don't kick down my door but
drug dealer does? How you know. You ain't know.

You are very uninformed. Has it been so long since Mr. giuliani's
ransacking of several square blox of nyc without any sort of search or siezure permit?? what the fuck? do you actually 
think before you speak?

and btw. I have both had my door kicked and been a kicker of doors. you think you know and you know not. You think you 
are observer of all under the sun. You can only hope to achieve the form of free thought I speak of. I am here to 
propagate my melanoma. please charles. cut me out. I look forward to laughing at your dull scalpel.

I think not.

Proven wrong. Have you? If so why don't you tell me about how many
guns were pointed at your head. And when they strapped you down. Were
you defiant. Or were you mad as hell... hating god. Or hating them?
You just don't understand man. No one kicks down a door without some
causal action by you. So I can understand your fear. I been there done
that got the t-shirt. But I wipe my plate clean did my laundry. Looked
outside at the beauty and decided to live proper. You're just

live proper? or accept mediocrity?

like... 4 steps behind me the whole life. You'll see. And I'll tell
you I told you so but you didn't want to listen. Couldn't
listen. Blinded by fate to make the same fucking mistakes everyone
else makes. That's life yo.

once again go fuck yourself >>>>RAT

I see no shadow file?

wouldn't be very underground if I showed ya would it?
rest assured. everything is in place. Mr admin will have to reinstall if he is to feel better. RAT

or maybe you need to lock your box
your homedir belongs to phc for like 7 months everyone is laughing behind> ya back
check /
in /etc/publius

I checked my box. Perhaps you hacked the CS professor who doesn't know
much more than the surface of dry textbooks? Please man... don't take
your jealousy out on him. Hack me. My box is like a virgin you
see. It ain't ne'er been had. Won't be had. Not until you pry my box
from my cold bloody fingers will you even have a chance at knowing
what lies within.

Maybe you find a picture of you in ~/wannabees/the_black_fist/

here charles. my veins don't pump kool-aid.
think about your words and who you speak to
before such vomitus exits your mandible.


my ugly psychotic ass for all to see. contact tips.

see you @ the next con.


i am ABOUT my word.

Give it to me baby... uh HUH uh HUH... and all the girlies say I'm
pretty fly for a white guy...

hehehe. regardless of the lack of profit from my endeavors.
the opposite sex does find me rather "fly"
ask someone.




You mother f**kers can't be us or see us.
We mother f**kin' Thug Life riders.
West Side till' we die.
Out here in California, ni**a
We warned ya'
We'll bomb on you mother f**kers.
We do our job.
You think you the mob, ni**a, we the mother f**kin' mob
Ain't nuttin' but killers
And the real ni**as, all you mother f**kers feel us.
Our s**t goes triple and four quadruple
You ni**as laugh cuz our staff got guns under they mother f**kin' belts
You know how it is and we drop records they felt
You ni**as can't feel it
We the realist
f**k 'em.
We Bad Boy killas.

 You have been weighed.
 And you have been found wanting.



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