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Re: ROI on IDS/IPS products

From: Jeremy Bennett <jeremyfb () mac com>
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2009 14:07:51 -0800

I'm going to try this one more time and then just let it go. Just because the current crop of products suck doesn't mean we need smarter users.

On Mar 2, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Jack Whitsitt wrote:

I don't normally chime in here, but this seemed to warrant a response:

So, why do you consider it so far fetched that I might configure an IPS not on a signature-by-signature basis but an application, resource, and risk basis?

Because risk - or more specifically, risk appetite - is a business measurement of business functions. The risk associated with something getting through and compromising that Windows server, switch, or group of workstations is not something your vendors will ever, ever be able to tell you. Even if the technical capabilities of IPS (or any security device) were perfect (see below), you'd still hit this wall.

I absolutely agree with you. Let me put it this way. The best products will solicit the input of local knowledge the user is likely to have and combine that with the expertise embedded in the software and the content to deliver a solution that would not be possible from either alone.

So, let's say I'm running a web farm. I can park an IPS in front of the web farm to protect it. I know that HTTP access to these servers is my bread and butter and I cannot risk an interruption in service. I spend a lot of time and money making sure these applications are patched and not vulnerable to basic attacks. I would call this a high- availability service. I also use SSH to remotely log into and manage my web boxes. If I cannot remotely log into my web boxes from the Internet I can always drive into the office to fix things but I don't like to do that. In addition SSH access has the potential to give full access to these servers. If my pretend IPS existed then I'd configure it to only block HTTP traffic if the vendor has rated the signature as being 95% reliable or better. Signatures with a reliability of 80-95% should send me an alert and everything else should just be let through as I can't tolerate the log load. SSH, on the other hand, should be configured to block on any signature with a 50% confidence or above and log everything else. I don't SSH into the boxes all that often so the log load should be minimal. When the vendor releases new content it is applied using the same thresholds as above.

This is a slightly simplistic picture, of course, because I may want different thresholds depending on what the signature is supposed to be blocking. I'm more paranoid about things that can result in full breach versus those that are just DoS attacks, for example. Hopefully you'll give me enough leeway to send a simple e-mail rather than provide a full product requirements document. I need to leave something for the IPS Product Managers to do after all.

In summary, I provide the local risk tolerance and application usage because the product cannot know my business or my risk tolerance. The vendor, through the product and its content, provides the assertion of reliability because I cannot know how effective a signature the vendor was able to provide.

Now, some are going to read this and say "But product X already allows me to do this configuration." Yes, some do but they are generally lacking in two areas, the first is the ability to specify the policy based on applications and resources and the second is the required trust in the vendor and the vendor's openness in communicating the efficacy of specific detections.

However, as I've said, this, trust already exists.

That trust exists only after local testing. If you turn on IPS signatures without testing them locally, well, then....good luck to you....because: Things aren't, unfortunately, nearly as technically cut and dry as you seem to believe they are. In some cases, there is traffic that you can be...95%? ...sure is bad in all cases...but that's a very small subset of what goes on over the network. Good traffic is not so easily and predictably distinguishable from bad most of the time and some level of local business knowledge and technical testing is required for good deployments.

I'm not suggesting that you would blindly buy a product and deploy it without testing how well it does in your environment. As a matter of fact if the product I outlined existed it would need to be in evaluation through a least a couple of content updates to make sure it was behaving as expected. This is different than needing to tweak an IPS on the first Tuesday of every month.

I'm also not naive enough to think that a product would be truly maintenance free. Effectiveness reports will need to be run. Some logs will need to be analyzed to make sure that things are not slipping through, and, if good traffic is blocked, remediation may need to happen.

I'm not sure how this isn't obvious? How many times have you seen activity that's legit on one network be a sign of something dangerously wrong on another?

Truly legit traffic on one network being a sign of something wrong on another? I can make up any number of scenarios to make that true but they would all be stretching reality.

Really? Are you suggesting that completely legit traffic on one Internet facing web farm would be considered malicious on a different Internet facing web farm? Or are you suggesting that BitTorrent may be allowed on one network and a sign of a problem on another network? I see the first as highly unlikely and the second a matter of application policy.

So, I agree that customer expectations and product capabilities are currently very far apart. However, I think it is the products that need to come forward instead of expecting every IPS customer to hire their own team of network security analysts.


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