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Re: Who stay focused? (was: [Fwd: Question])

From: ArkanoiD <ark () eltex net>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 20:09:05 +0400

Well, i am one of the old-timers (yes, if you started as security professional
in mid-90s this counts as old-timer now) and i am still here.

I was too young and too idealistic those days and lost all opportunities to
get rich (there were plenty of those), so now i am still forced to work for living, 
not for fun. And even that is not so easy - as i there is quite strange new breed
who do that really better.

Have you noticed those? Those guys who started in early 2000s and who are
*experienced professionals* now? They are not visionaries, nor scientists (not am
i, though), they are not bright minds either. You do not see them on any
security conferences (well, actually there *are* conferences they attend, they are
just different ones we consider boring), they do not show up on any workgroups or
technical commetees, they do not invent and more, they do not really have a clue
to stay on the leading edge (how ridiculously does it sound when applied to our
pretty conservative field, but there *is* something like that). They just do their
*carreer*. And they do it quite well, even more: they do not give a shit about who
you are and what can you do - there are other things that count, like "did you have
a senoir management job at company we do respect" (no one even cares if you performed
there good enough, the signle fact that you were there is what that counts)
and they are always welcome in the corporate world. 

So i am just a loser who did not get into that pack in time and now it is too late.
I did not care about money much and i did not care about the carreer much, i just 
tried to do something to make this crazy world a little bit sane. And i failed
epically. There are some positive changes like all that DLP stuff is something 
we talked about for 20 years before and i guess it is something that people with clue
was talking about several other decades before. But there is nothing in those positive
changes i can count as personal achievement - that's not because the world finally
learned to leasten, that's just because everything other fails too obviously 
even for this insane world.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 08:22:25PM +0200, Jean-Denis Gorin wrote:
Hi Paul

From: Paul D. Robertson
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5:34 PM

Once again, I'd like to publicly state that if you want to see
interesting threads on the list, you have to de-lurk and
start some.  If nothing else, it'd change the Pix/Interesting

So, I'll start a new one ;)

Why am I now a long time lurker? Mainly because I have quit the infosec field!

After 10 years in the infosec field, 5 years ago I decided to quit infosec and
came back to infosys architecture, my original field.
From early 90's to begin of 00's [0], I lived the raise of firewalls and DMZs...
and their doom: the eBusiness application model where Internet application where
only a front-end to internal infosys!

In those years, I concluded that there was no way to achieve a good security
awareness because people (IT people or users [1]) didn't (or didn't want to)
have a global view of IT or infosys.
And the marketing buzz words of that time were enought to convince people to
stay singleminded (and buy a 'lucky stone' firewall to protect themselves).

So, my question is: among all of you, old timer firewall wizards, how many stay
focused to infosec (and had kept a global view [2] of infosys) ?

For them willing to know why I'm still lurking FW-wiz as I have quit the field,
I'm just trying to assess how fast the IT world will collapse in case of a major
security threat... (I already know who will survive this, and how ;) ).


[0] Not Y2K compliant, so what?!?
[1] Or 'lusers' for the BOFH fans ;)
[2] Global, but not unfocused!
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
Philipp K. Dick
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