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"Research I am currently working on: 1) Social aspects of Media's (Mass) accounting of 'Hacks' & 'Cracks', 2) How these 'reportings' lead to --> injustices & justices where apprporiate"

From: "Philip S Holt, MCP, INFOSec Researcher" <philipsholt () uswest net>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 17:13:54 -0700

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Hello all.
   "My apologies for such a long subjec thread".
   Many of youy have helped me through the years (2+).
   Many of you have encouraged me in my career.
   Thanks to all.
   Should the following 'peak' to your senses, then please contact me
   I am currently working on the following, as a student researcher
primarly and as an INFOSec practitioner / engineer secondly (though
the two are often inter-dependant of one another):
   Criminal Justice Research Topic is as follows:
- -                     Media accounts of unauthorized network intrusions
   Question furher broken down as:
- -                     "Do these reports make things worse?"
   That's the outline.
   Following is what I'm actually doing ....    ....
   It's called content analysis - and further broken down I'll be
examing both qualitative type data and quantitative data.
   What my sampling frame will include is as follows:
- -     Graphical type documents (for analysis).
- -     Textural type documents (for analysis).
   Now, where you folks potentially come in, would be the "human-side"
of this equation.
   In simpler words, live-interviews from those in the trenches - and
this interview would be carried out via your answering my
comprehensive questionairre (where I use this same questionairre to
"interview each and everyone of my documents").
   This way:
- -     I have comprehensive information about my research question[s] from
graphics, from actual pieces of writing, and, most importantly, from
the very folks that attmept to give and deliver 'levels' of security
to those we all serve.
   The actual questionairre that I run against my subjects (texts,
articles, abstracts, engineer based articles, majordomo-postings,
yadda, yadda, yadda) has some 100 ?'s, which is a lot, yes, though I
also have in this project a "loose fitting guide" for a one-on-one
intensive interview session that I ould also make available for those
who may prefer that as an_option.
   Either way; I very much appreciate how a number of you have helped
me along the way.
   And, to take note:
- -     One of my goals is to actually present my study to the Annual
meeting of the Academy Of Criminal Justice Studies, to be held next
year in DC March 21 - 25th. I will be continuing with this project
through next autumn     ...     ...
- -     Having your insights, your "perpective" would certainly support my
other goals of adding validity and generalizability to my work thus
far, which certainly benenfits us all.
   A very wise man, Paul Roberts once and so eloquentily shared with
me; "Every machine you tighten down, every person you help, helps me
in the end".
   He is correct, and hence the post.
   "Out-of-band" should you be interested.
   Thanks in kind.

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