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/var/named/db.blackhole (was: HAMMER = BAN ! :-) RE: Tcp port 7

From: Roger Marquis <marquis () roble com>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 11:39:04 -0700 (PDT)

This is easily accomplished by adding to your local DNS
maps.  That way users can decide by their choice of nameserver.  Works
great, less traffic, and best of all: nobody seems to mind.

#grep doubleclick /etc/named.conf
zone "" { type master; file "db.blackhole"; };

#cat /var/named/db.blackhole
@ IN SOA localhost. hostmaster.localhost. (
         98051511 10800 1800 604800 86400 )
  IN     NS

Roger Marquis
Roble Systems Consulting

Subject: HAMMER = BAN !   :-)  RE: Tcp port 7 spam from Doubleclick
I think its great.   I denied all traffic from  (hehe)
(and recommed all of you do the same, if they won't stop the port 7 scanning)
I use Novell Bordermanager, (with bsdi gauntlet) and get a nice little
Novell banner where the double click ad is suppose to load.  Looks and works fine.
Also doubleclick is non-business related information, so It keeps people from going away from
where they indended to go.

Karl Greenwood <Karl () pt-services co uk> 10/21/99 04:43AM >>>
Just my 2 cents.  
Let me know if you like this idea, or if you think I'm 
insaine on this.

yep, getting the same crap on my servers and doubleclick wont stop when
asked, i like your idea and im now going to try it, btw if enough people are
going to do this then it may be worth informing doubleclick (but then again
life without ads...)

Karl Greenwood <Karl () pt-services co uk> 10/21/99 09:37AM >>>
Life without ads... is what?  (I would say great)
yep im enjoying it already, i get a nice proxy access denied message which
im going to change to something a bit more theres an idea
how about selling that space for adverts to the users, oops, got a bit
carried away there

btw i told doubleclick and they offered to place my firewall in their
exception list, bless.

if uve got the time, whats the novell like? ive moved almost entirely to nt
from novell but i keep a few servers going just to keep my hand in, was
thinking of looking @ border

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