Firewall Wizards mailing list archives

Re: Recording slow scans

From: Darren Reed <darrenr () reed wattle id au>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 21:10:52 +1000 (EST)

In some email I received from Stephen P. Berry, sie wrote:


Darren Reed <darrenr () reed wattle id au> wrote:

How many times do people need to reinvent the wheel ? 

Until there's a GPL'd wheel out there that I happen to like.  Because
sometimes all I want is the wheel, and most vendors are car salesmen.

Well, why don't you write one for us ?  I'm sure we'd all appreciate
your time and effort spent on such a project.

I did code up the changes I mentioned previously (twiddling libpcap(3)
and tcpdump(8) to accept multiple filters and output the results to multiple
files).  When I have a few more spare cycles, I'll document the changes
and submit them to the libpcap/tcpdump maintainers.  I have no idea
how receptive said maintainers are to unsolicited changes, so I have
no idea whether or not the changes are likely to make it into future

well, in the mean time, why don't you make the patches available to the
rest of us anyway ?  I'm sure others would like to use/abuse/hack on them
to make them better.

Anyway, this twiddle and a couple like it really clear up the
bottleneck in first-order filtering---the major bottleneck which seems
to be characteristic of most tcpdump-based IDSen.


But the reason why I'm mentioning all this here is to point out
that with comparatively minor coding one can produce fairly
usable tools with materials which are already freely available.

For some definition of "usable".

I still find it intriguing that "0 packets lost" is different on each of

Unless we're talking at cross purposes, I'm pretty sure there's
a bottleneck in the database.  If one is interested in analysing
data over fairly long periods of time (in terms of months rather
than hours, say), even reasonably narrow pipes are going to be
producing enough data to bog down most analysis engines.

Bah, that's not a "bottleneck", as such.  That's just a matter of
sizing your data to be analyzed correctly with a machine to analyze

One alternative might be to (say) have a box with 5 ethernet ports on it,
1 being the data "tap" and the other 4 for syhponing data off to boxes
for processing.  For example, you might have one box dedicated to doing
TCP processing, another for UDP, another for ICMP/IGMP and another for
the remainder.

I've considered something similar, but discarded the idea.  When I'm
doing long-term analysis, I'm very interested in correlations.

The first problem is data collection.  Nothing stopping you doing that
once you have the data.  

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