Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Web Security - what do you do?

From: Russell Fulton <r.fulton () AUCKLAND AC NZ>
Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 14:56:30 +1200

On 12/05/2009, at 12:37 AM, Karen Stopford wrote:

Those are all valid points. I came from the business world where time to market pressures often precluded negotiating with vendors to change their applications or in-house developers to learn new coding techniques, etc. One of the things I’ve come to advocate is those with buying power (large corporations mostly) should not take the path of least resistance but instead insist on interrogating their vendor’s practices and performing a risk assessment before procuring COTS. In-house, component development allows reuse of stored procedures, authentication routines, etc….

Our standard RFP template contain a security section that (amongst other things) tries to determine if the vendor is at least aware of things such as OWASP. It is truly depression how many vendors have no clue what or why you are asking. E.g. "Describe what development standards or frameworks you used in developing this application"

We promote OWASP for our internal developers along with training our testing teams to use vulnerability testing tools (both OS and commercial). WE are also putting in place something that could be described as an application firewall. The primary motivation for this was actually to provide differing functionality to different classes of users. Of course the right place to do this is in the app but Peoplesoft is not that flexible and the best way of working around this we found was to proxy all connection so we could filter urls. Sigh...


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