Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: regarding the critical DNS protocol vulnerability

From: Russ Harvey <russ-harvey () UCR EDU>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 21:17:55 -0700

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 03:39:59PM +1200, Russell Fulton wrote:

On 11/07/2008, at 2:30 AM, Doug Pearson wrote:
Wednesday, 2008-07-09:

Regarding ability to use the Doxpara tool in an automated fashion:

Someone on NANOG came up with a perl wrapper that can be directed
at a specified DNS server.

I have hacked this script so it reads output from nmap -oG (see the
comment at the start of the script).   Nmap found nearly 100 addresses
responding on tcp 53 but only a small fraction of these appear to be
running name servers.  Most timed out when the script tried to make
queries to them.  This slows things down enormously as the timeout is a
couple of minutes so the script took an hour or so to run.

The good news is that nearly all of our name servers are now fixed and
there are a few more that will be rebooted over the weekend.


Unfortunately the ISC fixes we tried for BIND did not work. We are running
9.4.1-P1 so first went to 9.4.2-P1, then 9.5.0-P1, then 9.5.1b1. We found
either exhausted file descriptors, EDNS handling bugs, or just plain poor
performance. We are back to 9.4.1-P1.

Anyone else having problems with patching BIND for this problem?


# vim:set ts=4 sw=4 ai et:
#, version 1.00
# A command line ("non-clicky") client to query the service to
# determine if a given nameserver is vulnerable to CERT Vulnerability Note
# VU#800113 DNS Cache Poisoning attacks.  Based entirely on Dan Kaminsky's
# JavaScript client, at <>.  Updates are available
# from <>.
#   -- Michael C. Toren <mct () toren net>
#      Tue Jul  8 21:59:10 PDT 2008
# hacked by Russell Fulton <r.fulton () auckland ac nz> Fri Jul 11th
# read nmap output "sudo nmap -sS -T5 -p 53 -open -oG dns.scan xxx.yyy.0.0/16"
# perl dns.scan
#sudo nmap -sS -T5 -p 53 -oG -  xxx.yyy.0.0/16 | perl *may* also work but but hung on my Mac ??

use Net::DNS;
use LWP::UserAgent;

use strict;
use warnings;

my $quiet = 1;    # set to '0' or undef if you want lots of output

my @char = ("a" .. "z", 0 .. 9);

sub lookup
    my $nameserver = shift;
    my $domain = shift;
    my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver (nameservers => [$nameserver], recurse => 1)
        or die "Net::DNS::Resolver constructor failed?";

    my $query = $res->search($domain);
    if( !$query ) {
        print "DNS lookup failed: ", $res->errorstring, "\n";
      return undef;

    for my $rr ($query->answer)
        return $rr->address if $rr->type eq "A";
    print  "DNS lookup failed: $domain has no 'A' record?\n";
    return undef;

while(  <> ) {
    next if /^\s*#/;
    next unless /open/;
    my ($nameserver) = /^Host: (\S+) /;

     my $session = join "", map { $char[rand @char] } (1 .. 12);
     my $domain = "$";

    print "$nameserver - Testing nameserver: ";

    print "Looking up $domain against $nameserver\n" unless $quiet;
    my $ip = lookup( $nameserver, $domain);

    next unless defined $ip;

    print "Fetching http://$ip/fprint/$session\n"; unless $quiet;
    my $agent = new LWP::UserAgent;
    my $response = $agent->get("http://$ip/fprint/$session";,
    Host => $domain, "Content-Type" => "application/x-javascript");
    if( ! $response->is_success ) {
      print "Failed: ", $response->status_line, "\n" ;
    my @data = split ",", $response->content;
    if( @data < 6) {
      print "Oops, I was expecting more comma separated data than I found\n";
    my $first = shift @data;
    if( $first ne $domain ) {
      print "Oops, fetched data was for session '$first', not $domain?\n";
    print "Requests seen for $domain: " unless $quiet;

    my %ports;
    for my $data (@data)
      my ($ip, $port, $txid) = split "-", $data;
    print "  $ip:$port TXID=$txid\n" unless $quiet;
      $ports{$port} = 1;

    if (keys %ports == 1) {
      print "Your nameserver appears vulnerable; all requests came from the same port.\n";
    } else {
      print "Your nameserver appears to be safe\n";

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