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Correction: XP SP2 ports open to local subnet

From: Phil Rodrigues <phil.rodrigues () NYU EDU>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 18:08:41 -0400


Brian Eckman of the University of Minnesota brought to my attention the
fact that the XP SP2 exception only applies to the LOCAL SUBNET.  If a
computer is on the same subnet as the XP computer, it will see ports
137-139,445 open if file and print sharing is enabled even if XP SP2 is

All computers *NOT* on the same local subnet will see the ports as
filtered.  XP SP2 closes those ports to anyone not on the same local
subnet by default.

I tested it and agree completely:

# Same Subnet: from 128.122.XXX.111
$ nmap -p 139,445 128.122.XXX.123 -P0 -T5
Starting nmap 3.50 ( ) at 2004-06-09 17:15 EDT
Interesting ports on SOMEONE.NYU.EDU (128.122.XXX.123):
139/tcp open  netbios-ssn
445/tcp open  microsoft-ds

# Different subnet: from 128.122.YYY.222
$ nmap -p 139,445 128.122.XXX.123 -P0 -T5
Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( )
Interesting ports on SOMEONE.NYU.EDU (128.122.XXX.123):
Port       State       Service
139/tcp    filtered    netbios-ssn
445/tcp    filtered    microsoft-ds

Sorry for the confusion, and thanks Brian for taking me up on my "Please
try it yourself" offer.


Phil Rodrigues wrote:

Hi all,

We downloaded the publicly available XP SP2 beta from Microsoft,
installed it on a computer, then ran some test with nmap.

By default, the Windows "Security Center" allows for 2 exceptions to the
firewall: one for "File and Print Sharing" and one for "Remote Assistance".

Remote Assistance didn't seem so scary: you still have to enable that
feature, which is disabled by default.

But since an exception for "File and Print Sharing" was enabled by
default, nmap showed that ports 137/udp, 138/udp, 139/tcp, and 445/tcp
were all open, even when the Firewall was turned on.  By default.  In
order to close these ports, we had to take the extra step of disabling
the exception within the Windows Security Center app.

Please try it yourself, and tell me if we missed something:

So, I would still make plans to automate pre-registration scans of your
networks for Windows RPC-ish vulnerabilities, at the very least.  They
may have closed 135/tcp, but with 445/tcp open there is still plenty of
room for mischief.  By default.


Sr Network Security Analyst
New York University

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