Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives


From: "Gordon D. Wishon" <gwishon () ND EDU>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 17:14:14 -0500


There's some general information in the ECAR Security Study about the CISO
position in higher education, but not enough to really help you answer the
questions you have.  However, you'll be happy to know that ECAR is
conducting a follow up study that asks many of these same questions.

Rodney Petersen may have some insight into when the results of that study
will be available....



At 04:57 PM 1/21/2004 -0500, Rodrigues, Philip wrote:
Hi all,

I am a Network Security Analyst - you know, a low-level technical grunt.
:-)  The management structure above me is a little fuzzy, but the longer
I work here the more apparent one thing becomes:

We do not have a senior management-level Information Security position.
(And no, I am not looking for a position to be promoted into!)

For those of you who do have a CISO position on your campus, how did you
go about getting the position created?  Was there a watershed event or
was it just a natural evolution?  Have you had a CISO for a while now or
was it just recently you saw a need for one?

For those of you without a CISO-type position on your campus, do you
think you need one?  Do you plan on creating one?  Does your technical
staff fill that role, or has senior IT management assumed those

Sorry if my questions are a little fuzzy - this is hardly a scientific
survey.  I am trying to figure out how to communicate what I see as a
need here to senior University administration, and I always like to see
if someone else has tackled this first.

Thanks in advance for any advice!


Philip A. Rodrigues
Network Analyst, UITS
University of Connecticut

email: phil.rodrigues () uconn edu
phone: 860.486.3743
fax: 860.486.6580

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