BreachExchange: by date

298 messages starting Oct 01 18 and ending Dec 31 18
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Monday, 01 October

50 Million Facebook Accounts Hacked Audrey McNeil
Bupa fined after details of 500, 000 customers offered for sale on dark web Audrey McNeil
Uber To Pay Record $204 Million Fine For Concealing 2016 Data Breach Audrey McNeil
Manufacturing Industry: A Key Target For Cyber Attackers Audrey McNeil
What Your Data Protection Officer Should Know About Privacy Requirements Audrey McNeil
How should governments and companies think about data protection? Audrey McNeil

Tuesday, 02 October

Perimeter Defenses are Dead, So Now What? Audrey McNeil
Upcoming Canadian Breach Notification Requirements Still in Flux Audrey McNeil
The Next Wave of Data Regulations: How Businesses Can Navigate the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 Audrey McNeil
How Do You Secure a Constantly Changing IT Landscape? Audrey McNeil
Security Awareness & Training for Small Business Audrey McNeil
The Massive Facebook Hack Might Have Affected Users’ Other Apps and Websites, Too Audrey McNeil

Wednesday, 03 October

CISOs: How to Answer the 5 Questions Boards Will Ask You Destry Winant
Apollo Data Breach Leads To More Than 200 Million Contact Records Stolen Destry Winant
Data breach may have compromised 28K people using St. Petersburg city website Destry Winant

Thursday, 04 October

Going, going, gone: e-Commerce and DNS attacks Destry Winant
Thousands of power customers' data exposed by human error Destry Winant
Burgerville reports major credit card breach Destry Winant
U.S. Links North Korean Government to ATM Hacks Destry Winant
Recipe Unlimited denies ransomware attack, despite alleged ransom note Destry Winant

Friday, 05 October

Remote Access: The Hidden Weak Spot for Cyberattacks Destry Winant
How to develop a mobile incident response plan Destry Winant
A Proposed Model for Permanent Change in Cybersecurity Destry Winant
Protecting Data from Departing Employees Destry Winant

Monday, 08 October

EarlySalary says data of 20k stolen Destry Winant
SingHealth cyberattack: Malware used was initially thought 'benign' by antiviral experts Destry Winant
How to join Burgerville class action lawsuit after data breach Destry Winant
SQL injection explained: How these attacks work and how to prevent them Destry Winant

Tuesday, 09 October

Airport fined after data leak `showed Queen´s travel plans´ Destry Winant
Morrisons launches appeal to landmark data breach ruling Destry Winant
Customers need to be at the centre of GDPR plans Destry Winant
Google is shutting down Google+ after it exposed user data and neglected to tell anyone Destry Winant
Cybersecurity Is Not A Technology Problem Destry Winant
Amazon fires employee for sharing customers' email addresses Destry Winant

Wednesday, 10 October

Magecart Group Compromises Plugin Used in Thousands of Stores, Makes Rookie Mistake Destry Winant
Garmin Shipping Navigation Unit Suffers Breach Destry Winant
How was Google Firebase security bypassed? Destry Winant
Wish Companies Would Stop Downplaying Security Breaches? This Dating Website Made One Up Destry Winant
Ransomware: To Pay Or Not To Pay, That Is Still A Real Question Destry Winant

Thursday, 11 October

Florida Court Finds No Coverage For Data Breach Incident Under Personal And Advertising Injury Coverage Destry Winant
Council hit by cyber attack reveals £2m cost Destry Winant
First GDPR Enforcement is Followed by First GDPR Appeal Destry Winant
Old-School Malware Tricks Still Work Destry Winant
Ryuk ransomware strikes at least four organizations in Canada Destry Winant

Friday, 12 October

Lake Worth ‘zombie alert’ hacker used a city email to breach system Destry Winant
WannaCry cost the NHS £92 million, report estimates Destry Winant
‘Payment Notification’ Is Top Healthcare Phishing Attack Subject Destry Winant

Monday, 15 October

Abandoning a domain name can come back to bite you, research shows Destry Winant
Facebook downgrades breach count from 50 million to 30 million users Destry Winant
MINDBODY Co Data Breach Could Impact 113.5M Users Destry Winant
Get ready, a botnet attack is coming your way Destry Winant

Tuesday, 16 October

Anne Arundel library computers still offline as county battles virus attack Destry Winant
10 Reasons Why You Need an Antivirus for Your Business Destry Winant
Another Click2Gov data breach hits Indio, California Destry Winant
Donald Daters, a dating app for Trump supporters, leaked its users’ data Destry Winant

Wednesday, 17 October

Getting To Know Your Electronic Voting Machine. Friend Or Foe? Destry Winant
Data Privacy or Cybersecurity: Which Is More Important? Destry Winant
In County Crippled by Hurricane, Water Utility Targeted in Ransomware Attack Destry Winant
Anthem to pay $16M in record data breach settlement Destry Winant

Thursday, 18 October

How Safe Are Your Trade Secrets? Destry Winant
Thousands of customers exposed in kitchenware brand data leak Destry Winant
12 Questions Retailers Should Ask to Avoid Ghosts of Privacy Breaches Past Destry Winant
Pentagon data breach exposed travel data for 30, 000 individuals Destry Winant
The CISOs Role in Risk Management Destry Winant

Friday, 19 October

Yale Sued Again For Data Breach That Impacts More Than 100, 000 Former Students Destry Winant
5 Essential Tips to Create a Better Backup Plan Destry Winant
6 Tips for Managing Data Before an Emergency Strikes Destry Winant
Keeping Data on a Short Leash to Avoid Breaches Destry Winant

Monday, 22 October

Technology risks: What CIOs should know and steps they can take Destry Winant
A GDPR storm is coming – are you prepared? Destry Winant
Fake Flash Updates Reportedly Used for Cryptojacking that Installs Crypto Miners Destry Winant

Tuesday, 23 October

New libssh Vulnerability – No Logo But Plenty Of Attention Destry Winant
Before the Breach: Best Practices and Policies to Minimize Risk Destry Winant
5 tips to protect your business from cybersecurity threats Destry Winant
Who gets spear phished, and why? Destry Winant
This Is What The Morrisons Data Leak Class Action Means For Future Breaches Destry Winant

Wednesday, 24 October

How cybercrime has changed business processes Destry Winant
Cities Must Pay For Cybersecurity, Not Ransoms Destry Winant
Vesta control panel servers infected with DDoS malware after supply chain attack Destry Winant
Yahoo agrees $50M settlement package for users hit by massive security breach Destry Winant

Thursday, 25 October

Cathay Pacific flags data breach affecting 9.4 million passengers Destry Winant
Cyber attack exposed information for 40, 000 patients of Sioux City vision clinic Destry Winant
How to Bridge Digital Transformation and Endpoint Security Destry Winant
You’ve been breached, so what does that mean with cyber insurance? Destry Winant

Friday, 26 October

Preventing digital skimmer attacks threatening e-commerce Destry Winant
UK data watchdog fines Facebook 17 minutes of net profit for Cambridge Analytica brouhaha Destry Winant
6 Key Considerations for a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan Destry Winant
British Airways admit a further 185, 000 customers may have had their personal details compromised in cyber attack Destry Winant

Monday, 29 October

1.25 Million Records Exposed in Employees Retirement System of Texas Data Breach Destry Winant
Two hackers behind 2016 Uber data breach have been indicted for another hack Destry Winant
7 Steps to Start Your Risk Assessment Destry Winant
Consumer skepticism and stronger protections call for security changes Destry Winant

Tuesday, 30 October

How Your HR Department Can Improve Information Security and Prevent Data Loss Destry Winant
Does your business really know how to handle a data breach? Destry Winant
Backup data aids Jones Eye Clinic in rebound from ransomware Destry Winant
Hackers steal personal details of 64, 000 Tomorrowland visitors Destry Winant

Wednesday, 31 October

Canada: New data breach reporting requirements come into force this week Destry Winant
New SamSam ransomware campaign aims at targets across the US Destry Winant
10 Steps for Creating Strong Customer Authentication Destry Winant
Cathay Pacific data leak: British-based law firm urges passengers to seek damages through group legal action overseas Destry Winant

Thursday, 01 November

U.S. Accuses China of Hacking Aerospace, Tech Companies Destry Winant
Nigerian airline Arik Air may have leaked customer data Destry Winant
Failure To Procure Cyber Insurance Could Haunt Your Company Destry Winant
Why it’s time to fight back against cyber risk to cloud computing and virtual machines Destry Winant

Friday, 02 November

Data Storage Safety Tips For Sensitive Information Destry Winant
Communication is Broken Between CISOs and the Rest of the Business Destry Winant
To Protect Your Company, Think Like A Hacker Destry Winant
5 Components to a Proactive Security Strategy Destry Winant
Radisson Hotel Group Spills Customer Data Destry Winant
6 Tips for Improving Healthcare Data Security Destry Winant
FIFA Reveals Second Hack Destry Winant

Monday, 05 November

Fired CPS Employee Steals Personal Data Of 70, 000 People, Charged With Multiple Felonies Destry Winant
INSIGHT: Getting Ready for Ohio’s New Data Protection Act Destry Winant
5-Star Ratings – Just How Vulnerable Is That Shiny New Application? Inga Goddijn
Should company bosses face jail for mishandling your privacy? Inga Goddijn

Tuesday, 06 November

Shifting Your Cybersecurity Strategy to Stop People-Centric Threats Destry Winant
Muscatine government cyber attack recovery ‘a slow process’ Destry Winant
Cyber security relics: 4 older technologies still plaguing the infosec world Destry Winant
2 Recent Decisions May Affect Your Cyber Policy Destry Winant
Defunct Georgia Vendor Responsible for Exposing Virtua Medical Group Patient Files Online Agrees to $200, 000 Settlement Destry Winant
Why a Dog Bite is a Lesson in Handling Cyberattacks Destry Winant

Thursday, 08 November

6 ‘Must Have’ Features for Risk-Based Vulnerability Management Destry Winant
Pakistan Says Hit By Card-Skimming But Denies Mass Bank Data Breach Destry Winant
10 Best Components of a PCI Compliance Checklist to Protecting the Customer Information Destry Winant
HSBC now stands for Hapless Security, Became Compromised: Thousands of customer files snatched by crims Destry Winant
Countering threats: Steps to take when developing APIs Destry Winant
Georgia Patches Voter Website, But Hacking Accusation Stands Destry Winant

Friday, 09 November

MongoDB server exposes personal info on 700K Amex India customers Destry Winant
Data Breach Notification Laws Around the World Are Finally Starting to Tighten Destry Winant
Top Four Cybersecurity Trends For The Year Ahead Destry Winant
Why Managing Your IT Inventory Is Vital To Staying Cyber Safe Destry Winant

Monday, 12 November

How Not To Waste A Trillion Dollars On Cybersecurity Destry Winant
Bank Attacks Put Password Insecurity Back in the Spotlight Destry Winant
Cyber-security exercises needed to better prepare for cyber attacks: Expert at COI on SingHealth cyber attack Destry Winant
Reported breaches in the first 9 months of 2018 exposed 3.6 billion records Destry Winant
Embracing the Cybersecurity ‘Grey Space’ Destry Winant

Tuesday, 13 November

The Role of Blockchain in Data Security Destry Winant
Eight reasons more CEOs will be fired over cybersecurity breaches Destry Winant
Nvidia GPU Side Channel Vulnerability Disclosed Destry Winant
Is Cybersecurity Skills Shortage Really the Cause of Data Breaches? Destry Winant
Cathay Pacific cyberattack far worse than thought after airline admits facing intense hack for more than three months Destry Winant

Wednesday, 14 November

1-877-KARS4KIDS had a data breach Destry Winant
Personal Data Risks: Why Hackers Infect Your Computer with Keyloggers Destry Winant
Syracuse hospital data breach part of massive national problem Destry Winant
City of Bakersfield announces data breach from hacked Click2Gov system Destry Winant
5 Tips to Harden Network Security in a Connected Enterprise Destry Winant

Thursday, 15 November

What the Onslow Water and Sewer Authority Can Teach About Responsible Disclosure Destry Winant
1 in 5 merchants compromised by Magecart get reinfected Destry Winant
Both Consumers And Retailers Need To Up Their Cybersecurity To Make Holidays Happy Destry Winant
Nordstrom Data Breach Exposes Employee Information Destry Winant

Friday, 16 November

Ten cyber security predictions for 2019 Destry Winant
Implement SQL Server security best practices in 4 easy steps Destry Winant
Muscatine coming back online after cyber attack left them in the dark Destry Winant
Phishing Attacks Breach Data of 42K Florida Patients for 3 Months Destry Winant

Monday, 19 November

A leaky database of SMS text messages exposed password resets and two-factor codes Destry Winant
Hackers, 21 and 23, admit breaking into TalkTalk's website in a huge data breach that cost the telecoms firm £77m in lost business Destry Winant
On Pace To Break 20k Mark For Disclosed Vulnerabilities Destry Winant
Attackers steal credit card details in Vision Direct data breach Destry Winant
Phishing Training is a Tool, Not a Solution Destry Winant

Tuesday, 20 November

Ways to Reduce the Exorbitant Costs of a Data Breach Destry Winant
Phishing Attack Impacts Health Data of 128K Employees, Patients Destry Winant
The real deal on cybercrime, breach timelines, and mounting a proactive defence Destry Winant
Instagram Accidentally Exposed Some Users' Passwords In Plaintext Destry Winant

Wednesday, 21 November

Reducing the risk of targeted phishing attacks Inga Goddijn
Popular Dark Web hosting provider got hacked, 6, 500 sites down Inga Goddijn
The Do's And Don'ts Of Backing Up Data For Small Firms Inga Goddijn
Using the CIA Triad to Boost Cyber Resilience Inga Goddijn
Test Your Incident Response Team (a/k/a Tabletop Exercises) Inga Goddijn

Friday, 23 November

Building a Secure Vendor Relationship with Inventory, Management Inga Goddijn
New security feature to prevent Amazon S3 bucket misconfiguration and data leaks Inga Goddijn
Guidelines for GDPR Compliance in Third-Party Contracts Inga Goddijn
Dust Off Your Business-Continuity Plan Inga Goddijn
Technical foul: Amazon suffers data snafu days before Black Friday, emails world+dog Inga Goddijn

Monday, 26 November

Attackers Are Landing Email Inboxes Without the Need to Phish Inga Goddijn
Communication Means Everything In Times Of Cyber Crisis Inga Goddijn
Almost 9, 5 Million PII Records Leaked by Data Aggregator Adapt Inga Goddijn
East Lindsey Council data breach reveals job applicants' pay Inga Goddijn
Make Sure Your Network Security Is Ready for the Holiday Shopping Season Inga Goddijn
Is your client properly insured for computer crime? Inga Goddijn

Tuesday, 27 November

Are we chasing the wrong zero days? Destry Winant
Weekend Ransomware Attack Interrupts Care at 2 Ohio Hospitals Destry Winant
What Current Events Can Teach Businesses About Security Destry Winant
UK cops won't go after researcher who reported security issue to York city officials Destry Winant
Knuddels Flirt App Slapped with Hefty Fine After Data Breach Destry Winant

Wednesday, 28 November

Urban Massage exposed a huge customer database, including sensitive comments on its creepy clients Destry Winant
Atrium Health says hacking compromised personal data of more than 2 million people Destry Winant
Managing workplace safety for remote employees Destry Winant
Uber fined nearly $1.2 million by British and Dutch authorities for 2016 data breach Destry Winant
Protecting Your Reputation From Cyberattacks Isn't Impossible If You Do These 3 Things Destry Winant

Thursday, 29 November

Two Iranians Charged in SamSam Ransomware Attacks Destry Winant
Has the word ‘breach’ has outlived its usefulness? Destry Winant
Hackers could possibly use your computer’s microphone to “see” your screen Destry Winant
Are organizations compliant with data breach notification timeframes? Destry Winant

Friday, 30 November

Er, we have 670 staff to feed now: UK's ICO fines 100 firms that failed to pay data protection fee Destry Winant
Dunkin' Donuts says DD Perks accounts may have been hacked Destry Winant
SKY Brasil Exposes 32 Million Customer Records Destry Winant
Security researchers look to deception tools to trick hackers Destry Winant
Marriott says 500 million Starwood guest records stolen in massive data breach Destry Winant

Monday, 03 December

How to Tackle the 7 Most Common Cybersecurity Mistakes of Your Company Destry Winant
Practical Policies That Help Increase Corporate Security Destry Winant
Why Security Firms Do Not Share The Cost Of Bad Reputation After A Cyberattack? Destry Winant
Marriott sued hours after announcing data breach Inga Goddijn

Tuesday, 04 December

Quora says hackers stole up to 100 million users’ data Richard Forno
What Type of Vulnerabilities Does a Penetration Test Look For? Destry Winant
Marriott data breach shows cyber security risks of mergers Destry Winant
Ames, Iowa, parking ticket payment system breached Destry Winant

Wednesday, 05 December

Marriott may face GDPR fine of more than £17m Destry Winant
Marriott will pay for new passports after data breach 'if fraud has taken place' Destry Winant
5 Emerging Trends in Cybercrime Destry Winant
Data backups need to be accessible 24/7 Destry Winant
Cyber security: Hackers step out of the shadows with bigger, bolder attacks Destry Winant
OCR Fines Florida Physicians Group $500, 000 for HIPAA Failures Destry Winant
U.S. Republican campaign emails hacked months before election Destry Winant

Thursday, 06 December

London Blue Cybergang List 50, 000 execs for Phishing Attacks Destry Winant
Cybersecurity Storms: Visibility is Key to Cyber Protections Destry Winant
Quora, Marriott, Facebook and Huazhu Hotels – Another Matrix Moment? Destry Winant
Credit card stealing malware on Canada’s 1-800-FLOWERS website went undetected for four years Destry Winant

Friday, 07 December

Adobe Flash Zero-Day Spreads via Office Docs Destry Winant
Has Cybersecurity Become the Definition of Insanity? Destry Winant
8 steps to take if your company gets hacked Destry Winant
Unprotected MongoDB Exposes Scraped Profile Data of 66 Million Destry Winant
12 states file lawsuit against medical record data companies Destry Winant

Monday, 10 December

Why Data Breaches are all About Trust Destry Winant
New Lawsuit Claims Marriott Still Exposes Customer Information Destry Winant
Jared And Kay Jewelers Fix Consumer Data Breach Destry Winant
3 Ways CISOs Can Boost Their Credibility Within the Enterprise Destry Winant

Tuesday, 11 December

Mitigating the risk of Office 365 account hijacking Destry Winant
Be proactive, not reactive: 5 steps to a cyber security prevention plan Destry Winant
Credit Card System Hack Led to HIPAA Breach Report Destry Winant
Cybersecurity: Is it Time To Change Our Mindset? Destry Winant
Equifax data breach was "entirely preventable, " congressional report finds Destry Winant

Wednesday, 12 December

NHS to ban fax machines from 2020 Destry Winant
OCR Fines Colorado Provider $111, 000 for HIPAA Violations Destry Winant
GlobeImposter ransomware victims find themselves abandoned by their extortionists Destry Winant
Employer Owes Employees More than a Paycheck Destry Winant
7 Most Common Cybersecurity Mistakes To Avoid Destry Winant

Thursday, 13 December

Saipem says Shamoon variant crippled hundreds of computers Destry Winant
New Formjacking Technique Used to Skim Payment Details Off Websites Destry Winant
China blamed for Marriott data breach Destry Winant
The Best Data Breach Incident Response Plans Require These Steps Destry Winant

Friday, 14 December

Supply Chain Attacks Are On The Rise Destry Winant
Govt. Cyberattacks May Be Linked To Lazarus Group Destry Winant
Top 10 worst password FAILS of 2018 Destry Winant
Apache Misconfig Leaks Data on 120 Million Brazilians Destry Winant
A New Year's Resolution: Security is Broken…Let's Fix It Destry Winant

Monday, 17 December

Facebook exposed up to 6.8 million users’ private photos to developers in latest leak Destry Winant
Wright County officials: Data breach impacted as many as 72, 000 people Destry Winant
Stopping Data Breaches Will Require Help from Governments Destry Winant
Data breaches: 9 steps for protection when employees leave Destry Winant
Practical CIO: Agility, speed, and business alignment Destry Winant

Tuesday, 18 December

Cyber insurance: Creating a culture of risk management Destry Winant
Brazilian IT firm Tivit suffers data leak Destry Winant
Save the Children Federation Duped in $1M Scam Destry Winant
Equifax, Western Union, Priceline settle with New York attorney general over insecure mobile apps Destry Winant
Malaysian Bank CIMB Denies Security Breach Destry Winant

Wednesday, 19 December

Social media exposure can increase the cost of a data breach Destry Winant
What tops the CISO’s Christmas list this year? Destry Winant
Cybersecurity breaches will soon reverberate all the way up to the board level Destry Winant
What Makes A Cyber Data Breach Expensive? Destry Winant
NASA discloses data breach Destry Winant

Thursday, 20 December

Three Ways to Mitigate Your Company’s Data Risk in 2019 Destry Winant
How hackers are bypassing two-factor authentication Destry Winant
The 10 Biggest U.S. Healthcare Data Breaches of 2018 Destry Winant
Email-Related Breaches: Why Are There So Many? Destry Winant

Friday, 21 December

Chinese hackers charged with stealing data from NASA, IBM, and others Destry Winant
Is Mapping Out Cyber Security Important? Destry Winant
Why are some vulnerabilities disclosed responsibly while others are not? Destry Winant
Patched Click2Gov Flaw Still Afflicting Local Govs Destry Winant
What Is Cyber Threat Intelligence And Why You Should Care About It? Destry Winant
Caribou Coffee chain announces card breach impacting 239 stores Inga Goddijn

Monday, 24 December

Hacker Discloses New Unpatched Windows Zero-Day Exploit On Twitter Destry Winant
Federal Court Dismisses Federal Securities Class Action Based on Data Breach Destry Winant
If Data is Exposed But No One is Around to Steal It, Can a Data-Breach Plaintiff Still Sue? Destry Winant
San Diego Unified data breach hits staff, plus as many as 500, 000 students Destry Winant
How Santa's Cyber Security Culture Can Work For You! Part 1: Cyber Attacks Destry Winant
Happy Holidays! Inga Goddijn

Wednesday, 26 December

When a Corporate Data Breach Happens: Critical Next Steps for 2019 Inga Goddijn
How to Add HTTP Security Headers in WordPress Inga Goddijn
How to prevent wire-transfer fraud: Tips for SMBs Inga Goddijn
U.S. Authorities Take Down 15 DDoS-for-Hire Websites Inga Goddijn
Facebook’s very bad year, explained Inga Goddijn
Top cybersecurity legislation of 2019 Inga Goddijn

Thursday, 27 December

BevMo Website Breach Affects Thousands Of Customers’ Credit Data Destry Winant
Data Breaches Caused by Misconfigured Servers Destry Winant
6 Ways to Anger Attackers on Your Network Destry Winant
Flowers Hospital settles lawsuit 5 years after data breach Destry Winant

Friday, 28 December

Nova warns listeners of data breach affecting 250, 000 Australians Destry Winant
BOUYGUES TELECOM: financial penalty for breach of customer data security Destry Winant
Worst Data Breaches of 2018 Destry Winant
The Best Data Breach Tactics to Deploy Now Destry Winant
Avery Center to Pay Patient $853K for Impermissible Data Disclosure Destry Winant

Monday, 31 December

My Health Record had 42 data breaches in 2017-18 but no 'malicious' attacks: ADHA Destry Winant
Strengthen Data Breach Defenses with Emulation Assessments Destry Winant
Depressing lessons 2018’s endless data breaches taught us Destry Winant
Cyberattack Disrupts Printing of Major Newspapers Destry Winant
Blue Cross alerts 15, 000 Medicare customers of potential data breach Destry Winant