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Malware in the Hospital

From: Audrey McNeil <audrey () riskbasedsecurity com>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 17:12:04 -0700

Security researcher Beau Woods will never forget the day he got a call from
the natal intensive care unit. The fetal heart monitors kept rebooting,
putting infant lives at risk. The Zotob worm was big that year, and the
malware—designed to steal credit card details, but so poorly coded that it
caused the devices it affected to repeatedly reboot—had infected many
machines at the hospital where he worked. The physicians felt powerless to
do anything. Could Woods help?

The Zotob authors were eventually apprehended and sent to prison. They
clearly never intended their malware to hurt anyone, much less put
premature babies in hospitals at risk. They were criminals looking to make
a quick buck. But the incident highlights a critical point in the debate
surrounding medical device cybersecurity.

“Who would be crazy enough to hack a hospital?” you may ask. People with
bad intentions do exist, of course, and thanks to the Internet, every bad
actor on the planet is now your next-door neighbor. Still, the greater
cybersecurity risk to hospitals is more mundane—and easier to solve. It’s
the Zotob worms of the world that we need to worry about.

Because medical device cybersecurity—or cybersafety, as some prefer to call
it—is poor. I Am the Cavalry, a group of concerned security researchers,
has called 2015“year zero” of medical device cybersafety and noted that the
health care sector was 15–25 years behind banking and retail when it comes
to defending against online threats. Which, when you consider the number of
major retail outlets that have gotten hacked recently—Home Depot and Target
come to mind—is not terribly reassuring. Nor was the cyber bank heist in
2015 that Kaspersky Lab estimated at close to $1 billion.

To prove the point, last year researchers Scott Erven and Mark Collao ran
honeypots—servers pretending to be medical devices, including an MRI and a
defibrillator. The result? Malware like the Zotob worm infected the devices
hundreds of times.

This kind of malware spreads across the Internet by probing
Internet-connected devices for weaknesses. But since many medical devices
run the same operating systems as consumer devices and corporate servers,
automated hacking tools, like the Zotob worm, can’t tell the difference
between a juicy target full of credit card details and a life-saving
medical device attached to the Internet.

The key takeaway, the researchers emphasized, was that no one was
deliberately targeting medical devices, so far as they could tell.
“Malicious intent is not a prerequisite to patient safety issues,” Erven
told the audience at the security conference DerbyCon, where he presented
the findings. Rather, the accumulated weight of opportunistic malware could
overwhelm a medical device and cause patient harm. Just like the Zotob worm.

The Food and Drug Administration agrees. “Network-connected/configured
medical devices that are infected by malware can disable a device from
properly performing its clinical function. This, in turn, could lead to a
patient safety concern,” Suzanne Schwartz, director of emergency
preparedness/operations and medical countermeasures in the FDA’s Center for
Devices and Radiological Health, wrote in an email statement.

Malware could affect medical devices in a few different ways. Woods, who
now works with I Am the Cavalry to push for better medical device
cybersafety, says that in some cases, it might not interfere with the
course of treatment. Malware could also make a medical device unusable—an
unintended denial of service attack, like what happened with the fetal
heart monitors infected with Zotob.

But the most insidious case would be a silent failure, in which the device
remains usable but is not doing what the physician is telling it to do.

“In most cases physicians can fall back to nonconnected medical device
operation,” Woods said. “But if the device has essentially failed silently,
it could potentially cause harm to patients without it being disclosed.”

The problem of software injuring patients by accident is not a new one. In
the Therac-25 incident of the 1980s, at least a half-dozen cancer patients
in the United States and Canada received massive overdoses of radiation as
a result of a programming flaw. Designed to deliver radiation therapy to
cancer patients, the Therac-25 was a state-of-the-art medical device
running the most modern software available at the time. That same software,
though, led to the deaths of several patients.

But the Therac-25 was not connected to the Internet, and only 11 of the
devices were ever deployed. A handful of incidents over several years gave
investigators time to analyze the data and discover the problem. But once
you connect such devices to each other, and to the Internet, there can be
unintended consequences. And those consequences, like everything on the
Internet, scale.

“The problem now is no longer actuarial but epidemiologic,” Woods said.
“You have a patient zero or common cause that spreads through the entire
exposed population.”

Given the low baseline security level of most medical devices—many continue
to run Windows XP, or unpatched versions of Linux—this leaves entire
hospitals vulnerable to a plague of malware that could disrupt, injure, and
even kill, all without any intent on the part of the malware author.

In December, medical device security researcher Kevin Fu told Healthcare IT
Newsthat a hospital in Boston ran more than 600 unpatched Windows XP boxes.
Last June, security researcher Jeremy Richards reported a severe security
vulnerability in a drug pump to the Department of Homeland Security,
calling it “the least secure IP-enabled device I’ve ever touched in my
life.” Richards’ report resulted in the FDA warning hospitals to stop using
the drug pump in question.

The good news is there are solutions. The FDA is working hard to raise
awareness of the issue. “Vigilant cyberhygiene is a critical step in
addressing these more common and more likely scenarios,” the FDA’s Schwartz
told me.

Cyberhygiene protects patients from the threat of malware infection the
same way hand-washing and other sanitary measures protect patients from
microbial infection.

According to Erven, there are three main security hygiene issues across the
board, not specific to any manufacturer.

“One, use of known weak default or hard-coded administrative credentials,”
he said. Many medical devices ship with administrative passwords that
cannot be changed by the hospital or end user and which are easily
discoverable by downloading the device manual from the manufacturer’s

“Two, legacy systems and inability to apply updates or patches.” Apple and
Microsoft push security patches to user devices on a monthly basis. This is
not the case for medical devices, however. Many mission-critical medical
devices are running years-old, unpatched operating systems that remain
vulnerable to now-ancient malware. In fact, confusion over the legality of
shipping security patches has led the FDA to repeatedly trumpet over the
last year that security patches alone do not require FDA recertification of
the device—a common reason medical device manufacturers have given to avoid
dealing with post-market security hygiene.

“Three, lack of encryption being utilized in the medical device and the
supporting systems and applications.” Encryption, Erven said, ensures not
only the confidentiality and privacy of patient data but also its
integrity. Data corruption could cause a silent failure that resulted in a
physician prescribing the wrong treatment—or even an unintended treatment
being delivered.

Unfortunately, the big-picture problem of insecure medical devices will
take a decade or more to solve. That’s because the time to market for most
medical devices is usually 5–10 years, sometimes longer. Erven told the
DerbyCon audience about a new pacemaker approved under an expedited process
that took 12 years. That means a securely designed medical device submitted
to the FDA for approval today will not see the inside of a hospital (or the
inside of a patient) until the 2020s.

And that’s assuming medical device manufacturers decide right now to make
cybersafety a priority, built in by design, and not “bolted on” after the
fact. One indication of a medical device manufacturer’s appreciation of the
cybersafety problem is whether it has published a coordinated vulnerability
disclosure policy, which serves as a welcome mat to independent researchers
who wish to improve device security.

The FDA is pushing hard for all manufacturers to publish such a policy, but
so far only two—Philips and Drager—have done so, out of the many hundreds
of medical device manufacturers in America today.

Even though medical device cybersecurity is well behind other sectors, such
as financial or retail, one thing becomes clear from talking to
researchers: Networked medical devices are worth the risk. Automating
hospital systems relieves medical staff of rudimentary duties, like
delivering medicine intravenously to patients, and can prevent human error,
a common cause of injury in hospital.

Maintaining public trust in medical devices may be the biggest challenge.
Hyped-up fears of malware or hackers could undermine public trust in the
health care system and cause patients who need treatment to refuse it
because of an uninformed risk/benefit analysis.

To ensure that public trust, security researcher Marie Moe argues that
source code transparency is essential. Most medical devices run proprietary
software that manufacturers consider part of their intellectual property.
But that means patients must trust the software to do the right thing—and
in Moe’s case, she has reason to worry.

Diagnosed with a heart condition in her early 30s, Moe was implanted with a
pacemaker in 2011. Without the device, she would not be alive today. But
not long after receiving the implant, a software bug—not a hacker or even
malware—nearly killed her.

“I felt like I was going to die, I couldn’t breathe,” she said. “I didn’t
know what had happened but something was wrong.”

It took doctors three months to find the problem. Turned out there was a
bug in the graphical user interface doctors use that showed the wrong
values, so the pacemaker settings weren’t the same as what was appearing on

“I would really like to have more transparency and more standardized open
solutions for how these devices communicate,” Moe said. “That, for me, as a
security professional, as a researcher, is important. I want to know how my
device is working, so I can trust it.”

As for Woods and his battle with Zotob? He managed to patch the fetal heart
monitors, protecting them from reinfection by Zotob. But, like hand-washing
in hospitals, cyber hygiene is not a one-off, rather a process of regular
care and maintenance. Only by working together—medical device
manufacturers, hospitals, and regulators—can we ensure our hospitals remain
safe from future Zotobs.
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