BreachExchange: by author

211 messages starting Feb 17 14 and ending Feb 07 14
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Audrey McNeil

Employee file sharing practices put corporate data at risk, study finds Audrey McNeil (Feb 17)
Restoring the Faith: Rebuilding Consumer Confidence in the Wake of a Data Breach Audrey McNeil (Mar 04)
Data breaches drive growth in use of encryption, global study finds Audrey McNeil (Feb 17)
The case for forecasting cyberattacks Audrey McNeil (Jan 14)
Cyber Security: Get real about risk Audrey McNeil (Jan 09)
Big Data Breaches -- The Shape of Things to Come Audrey McNeil (Feb 11)
Seven signs your business is being hacked Audrey McNeil (Jan 28)
Target breach notifications are a perfect example of what not to do Audrey McNeil (Jan 21)
Cyber breach insurance: What, me worry? Audrey McNeil (Jan 28)
Hacker economics: Three cost effective ways to tackle hackers Audrey McNeil (Jan 28)
What to do (and not do) in a data breach response Audrey McNeil (Mar 03)
Cyberwars: Lessons For Limiting Government Data Losses Audrey McNeil (Feb 20)
Getting ahead of new threats Audrey McNeil (Feb 10)
How the NIST cybersecurity framework can help secure the enterprise Audrey McNeil (Feb 19)
Cyberinsurance: Do You Need It? Audrey McNeil (Mar 13)
Beyond Disasters: The National Guard Takes On Hackers Audrey McNeil (Jan 31)
Algorithms are changing the face of situational awareness and online security Audrey McNeil (Jan 06)
The Year of Encryption Audrey McNeil (Mar 21)
Malware samples tripled in 2013 as point-of-sale attacks boomed Audrey McNeil (Mar 17)
Data, Privacy and Economic Station: The Data Vulnerabilities of Those Less Advantaged Audrey McNeil (Jan 01)
How to reduce data breach and cyber security risk Audrey McNeil (Feb 19)
Study shows those responsible for security face mounting pressures Audrey McNeil (Feb 17)
5 Lessons From the Latest Data Breaches Audrey McNeil (Feb 04)
Japan holds first cyberattack drill to bolster national security Audrey McNeil (Mar 21)
Correction: Data Breach: The Downside of Data Loss for SMBs Audrey McNeil (Jan 01)
No consensus on how to notify Target data breach victims Audrey McNeil (Mar 28)
Windows XP support cutoff poses data breach risk for retailer Audrey McNeil (Feb 07)
FBI warns of memory-scraping malware in wake of Target breach Audrey McNeil (Jan 30)
Cyberattack and data loss preoccupies UK SMEs despite rise in confidence Audrey McNeil (Feb 15)
Fraud risk soaring for data breach victims Audrey McNeil (Feb 10)
What Americans should fear in cyberspace Audrey McNeil (Jan 28)
Security Strategy Lacking in Midsize Businesses Audrey McNeil (Jan 02)
Is HIPAA lulling health orgs into a false sense of security? Audrey McNeil (Mar 21)
Social engineering attacks: Is security focused on the wrong problem? Audrey McNeil (Mar 14)
South Korean data breach linked to an insider Audrey McNeil (Jan 21)
Power Utility Substations At Risk Audrey McNeil (Jan 29)
SEC Probes Hacker Risk to Wall Street as Threats Mount Audrey McNeil (Mar 31)
How to Respond to Cyber Attacks on Your Business Audrey McNeil (Jan 30)
Target estimates breach affected up to 110 million Audrey McNeil (Jan 10)
How to Protect Against a Data Breach Audrey McNeil (Mar 25)
Cisco: POS Systems Key Vulnerability in Security Breaches Audrey McNeil (Jan 16)
Medical Device Security: The Hurdles Audrey McNeil (Mar 14)
Omnicell data breach suit dismissal: Healthcare ramifications Audrey McNeil (Jan 14)
Disclosing data breaches: There oughta be a law Audrey McNeil (Mar 20)
Most SMB employees in fear of identity theft in the workplace Audrey McNeil (Jan 29)
String of Data Breaches Show Holiday Season Vulnerability Audrey McNeil (Jan 06)
The True Cost of Cyberattacks on Companies Audrey McNeil (Jan 03)
How hack attacks can cost you money Audrey McNeil (Jan 09)
Physician Practices, Health Care Organizations See Own Staff as Source of Security Breaches Audrey McNeil (Feb 28)
State Dept. computers open to hackers — report Audrey McNeil (Jan 21)
Universities Flunk Security as Data Breaches Jolt Education Audrey McNeil (Mar 05)
Building the security bridge to the Millennials Audrey McNeil (Feb 17)
Target credential theft highlights third-party vendor risk Audrey McNeil (Feb 07)
DDoS And Infrastructure Attacks Among The Biggest Threats In 2014 Audrey McNeil (Jan 21)
Did Target Ignore Its Security Staff's Data Breach Warnings? Audrey McNeil (Feb 19)
Tech Toolkit: How to prevent a subcontractor security breach Audrey McNeil (Mar 14)
How To Catch-Up in a Revised HIPAA World Audrey McNeil (Jan 07)
Data breach reporting mandate may be a needless distraction Audrey McNeil (Jan 14)
South Korea and the U.S. Reacted Much Differently to a Credit Card Theft Scandal Audrey McNeil (Jan 22)
98% of SSL enabled websites still using SHA-1 based weak Digital Certificates Audrey McNeil (Feb 11)
Cyber Terrorism Audrey McNeil (Jan 03)
Retail needs tighter security measures: exec Audrey McNeil (Jan 14)
Why (most) consumer data breach class actions vs Target are doomed Audrey McNeil (Jan 16)
If you think just because you use different passwords for different services you're safe, think again Audrey McNeil (Jan 06)
Should We Blame Russia for the Target Breach? Audrey McNeil (Feb 19)
Accounting Firms Need a Defensible Data Breach Response Plan Audrey McNeil (Jan 21)
The High Cost of Not Protecting Data Audrey McNeil (Jan 08)
Yahoo Email Account Passwords Stolen Audrey McNeil (Feb 04)
Federal departments consider banning USB keys in wake of dozens of security breaches Audrey McNeil (Jan 02)
'Cyber-shame' means never having to say you were hacked Audrey McNeil (Mar 25)
Study: Most Security Pros Unsure If They Could Handle A Breach Audrey McNeil (Feb 18)
The 4 Ways You’ll Get Hacked Audrey McNeil (Jan 17)
What the New Cybersecurity Standards Mean for Federal Contractors Audrey McNeil (Feb 18)
Federal Election Commission Faces Serious Security Failings, with Few Plans to Remedy Audrey McNeil (Jan 07)
Companies Turn to Cyber Insurance as Hacker Threats Mount Audrey McNeil (Mar 25)
Privacy Management for Midsize Firms Audrey McNeil (Jan 01)
Five Valuable Takeaways from Recent Cyber Breaches Audrey McNeil (Mar 14)
How to Improve HIPAA Training Audrey McNeil (Jan 02)
On Deck: The Cybersecurity Framework Audrey McNeil (Feb 15)
Bank Files Unique Suit Against Target Audrey McNeil (Mar 20)
Study Pegs Corporates' Cyber Crime Cost at $500 bn Audrey McNeil (Mar 28)
California to step up cybersecurity efforts after hundreds of data breaches Audrey McNeil (Mar 13)
The Hidden Danger After the Snapchat Hack Audrey McNeil (Jan 09)
Medical Identity Theft: Does The Health Care Industry Think It's Too Big for Its Breaches? Audrey McNeil (Mar 25)
Hackers erode job security for tech execs Audrey McNeil (Mar 18)
The Target Data Breach Lawsuits: Why Every Company Should Care Audrey McNeil (Jan 03)
Budget issues: The SMB dilemma Audrey McNeil (Mar 13)
Worried About the Target Breach? Add This Term to Your Vocabulary Audrey McNeil (Jan 17)
Why are brick-and-mortar retailers crumbling under hacker attacks? Audrey McNeil (Jan 16)
Breach Hearings: How Did Security Fail? Audrey McNeil (Feb 11)
Target's lost opportunity to say it's sorry Audrey McNeil (Mar 31)
Is rapid detection the new prevention? Audrey McNeil (Jan 03)
Tokenization key to data security Audrey McNeil (Feb 19)
How To Prepare Your Small Business For An Inevitable Data Breach Audrey McNeil (Feb 18)
One Crucial Thing You Probably Don't Know About Security Breaches Audrey McNeil (Jan 29)
20 Questions to Ask Your IT Staff Right Now Audrey McNeil (Mar 25)
Tech firms vie to secure energy sector against cyberattacks Audrey McNeil (Jan 28)
Report: 4 in 10 Government Security Breaches Go Undetected Audrey McNeil (Feb 10)
Why 'leaky bucket' approach to managing security threats will never work Audrey McNeil (Mar 20)
ChewBacca Malware Stole 49, 000 Payment Card Details in 11 Countries Audrey McNeil (Feb 04)
3 Reasons Your Medical Records Are at Risk Audrey McNeil (Feb 20)
Wake-Up Call From the Largest Data Breach in History Audrey McNeil (Mar 17)
SCADA risk awareness, threats and breaches Audrey McNeil (Mar 31)
The internet of things needs a new security model. Which one will win? Audrey McNeil (Jan 28)
David Nosal, Employee Data Theft, and Why Employment Lawyers Should Understand Their Clients' IT Infrastructure Audrey McNeil (Feb 04)
How to Test the Security Savvy of Your Staff Audrey McNeil (Mar 05)
The Kartoxa virus: Blame corporate complacency, not hackers Audrey McNeil (Jan 22)
Payment Card Breaches: Time to Spread the Risk with Mandatory Cyber Insurance Audrey McNeil (Mar 04)
Your Employees Don't Care About Data Security. Here's Why Audrey McNeil (Mar 17)
Court approves first-of-its-kind data breach settlement Audrey McNeil (Mar 25)
In data-heavy economy, breaches likely Audrey McNeil (Feb 11)
If your credit card was charged $9.84, your information may have been stolen Audrey McNeil (Jan 31)
How to Help Merchants Avoid a Cyber Attack Audrey McNeil (Mar 31)
Another two universities suffer data breaches, but notification still too slow Audrey McNeil (Mar 18)
Eleven sure signs you've been hacked Audrey McNeil (Feb 10)
Banking Cyber-Attack Trends to Watch Audrey McNeil (Feb 14)
At Cybersecurity Conference, Concern Grows Over Outsourcing Audrey McNeil (Feb 28)
Secret Service Agent Says Many Cyber Breaches Go Unreported Audrey McNeil (Mar 17)
SEC examiners to review how asset managers fend off cyber attacks Audrey McNeil (Feb 10)
Web Hosting Servers At Increased Risk of Attack by Hackers Audrey McNeil (Feb 04)
Human error tops Ponemon patient data security study threats Audrey McNeil (Mar 18)
Most businesses unprepared for cyberattack, study finds Audrey McNeil (Mar 28)
Laptop containing health information for thousands stolen, province seeking investigation Audrey McNeil (Jan 28)
7 sneak attacks used by today's most devious hackers Audrey McNeil (Jan 01)
Retailer data breach trend not likely to end soon Audrey McNeil (Jan 30)
Data Breach: The Downside of Data Loss for SMBs Audrey McNeil (Jan 01)
Hotel Lawyer: The Growing Problem of Security Breaches with Sensitive Customer Information Audrey McNeil (Jan 21)
Pulling the reins on data breach costs Audrey McNeil (Mar 04)
How much money has your IT infrastructure lost you? Audrey McNeil (Jan 22)
Why do companies keep getting hacked? Audrey McNeil (Mar 13)
Biggest corporate security threats Audrey McNeil (Jan 07)
Coca-Cola: Stolen Laptops Had Personal Information of 74, 000 Audrey McNeil (Jan 29)
U.S. Companies Lead the Pack in Cyber Security Audrey McNeil (Feb 20)
Don't Put All Data Breach Blame on the Stores Audrey McNeil (Mar 28)
How Your Business Can Be Hacked into Bankruptcy Audrey McNeil (Jan 17)
What is "Expedient" Notification of a "Data Breach?" Audrey McNeil (Feb 18)
Malware used in Target breach sold on underground forums Audrey McNeil (Jan 17)
4 Lessons CIOs Can Learn From the Target Breach Audrey McNeil (Mar 21)
Is Your Security Program Effective? 7 Must-Ask Questions Audrey McNeil (Jan 08)
Differing standards of protection possible for compliance with new EU rules on IT security Audrey McNeil (Jan 17)
How To Protect Your Health Data From Thievery Audrey McNeil (Feb 14)
Recent hacks spur new company cyber spending - survey Audrey McNeil (Mar 04)
Snapchat hack should be wake-up call Audrey McNeil (Jan 03)
Cybersecurity Framework: What's Next? Audrey McNeil (Feb 20)
Five Ways That Small Businesses Risk Customer Data Audrey McNeil (Mar 18)
Target's data breach sparks calls for action Audrey McNeil (Jan 07)
4 Things to Know About Health IT Security Audrey McNeil (Mar 14)
Tips for handling your first security breach Audrey McNeil (Feb 14)
IT security more critical now than executives expected two years ago Audrey McNeil (Jan 14)
U.S. retailers turn to security industry for help Audrey McNeil (Feb 14)
New hopes for U.S. data breach law collide with old reality Audrey McNeil (Feb 17)
Adding Up the Costs of Data Breaches Audrey McNeil (Jan 31)
Despite urging of law enforcement, no easy solution for notifying consumers on data breaches Audrey McNeil (Mar 17)
Why There Will Be Another Major Data Breach Audrey McNeil (Mar 05)
Have we got cyber risks covered? Audrey McNeil (Mar 20)
Forbes hack throws cold water on its platform dreams Audrey McNeil (Mar 04)
Fuzzy math: The need for a national cyber breach notification standard Audrey McNeil (Feb 04)
Thieves target health insurance policy numbers Audrey McNeil (Feb 14)
Breaches Highlight Cybersecurity Issues at PE-Backed Companies Audrey McNeil (Mar 17)
Why security pros should care about Bitcoin's troubles Audrey McNeil (Mar 03)
Having your financial identity stolen is awful. Having your medical identity stolen is worse Audrey McNeil (Feb 07)
Why You Need Cyber Liability Insurance Audrey McNeil (Jan 22)
Hackers discover flaws that may leave water and electricity networks vulnerable Audrey McNeil (Jan 16)
Hackers Already Making Lists of Windows XP Vulnerabilities, Says Expert Audrey McNeil (Mar 18)
Everything I know about computer security I learned in kindergarten Audrey McNeil (Mar 13)
Ways to avoid a multi-million dollar security disaster Audrey McNeil (Jan 17)
Impact of EA Games hack on Apple shows ripple effect of attacks Audrey McNeil (Mar 28)
2013 Exposed Records Sets the Stage for Massive Identity Theft Audrey McNeil (Feb 18)
DHS cyber security turning focus to insider threats Audrey McNeil (Jan 07)
7 ways to work around security compliance problems Audrey McNeil (Jan 21)
Hackers can use common anti-theft tool to wipe devices remotely Audrey McNeil (Feb 20)
University Breaches: A Continuing Trend Audrey McNeil (Mar 28)
Target's data breach could signal cybercrime wave Audrey McNeil (Feb 14)
New EU cybersecurity law avoids making big Internet companies report breaches Audrey McNeil (Mar 18)
Possible 1 Million Credit Cards Details Leaked Audrey McNeil (Mar 24)
6 lessons learned about the scariest security threats Audrey McNeil (Mar 05)
5 Monitoring Initiatives For 2014 Audrey McNeil (Jan 06)
In Our View: Data Breaches Demand Action Audrey McNeil (Feb 11)
Medical Records Are A Gold Mine For Cybercrime Audrey McNeil (Mar 03)
Financial sector hit hard by data breach cleanup costs Audrey McNeil (Feb 28)
Hacked Agencies are Inconsistent in Alerting Victims Audrey McNeil (Jan 09)
As Cyber Crime Matures, More Hacked Accounts Expected Audrey McNeil (Feb 07)
In the Big Data Breach Era, the Safety of Your Personal Data is Ultimately Out of Your Hands Audrey McNeil (Mar 31)
Health Care Sector to Test Reflexes for Cyber Attack Audrey McNeil (Jan 16)
Laws let companies wait weeks, months to disclose data breeches Audrey McNeil (Jan 17)
1 in 3 businesses have no incident response plan Audrey McNeil (Mar 21)
Juniper Networks exec: 'First-world outrage' will not help cyber security Audrey McNeil (Feb 28)
Law that hides massive health privacy breach from patients is useless Audrey McNeil (Jan 29)
3 Ways Companies Can Protect Against Hackers Audrey McNeil (Jan 30)
Hacked in 20 Minutes: Social Engineering Done Right Audrey McNeil (Mar 03)
AIG: Cyber insurance sales have risen by 30% Audrey McNeil (Jan 21)
Senior Managers As The Insider Threat Audrey McNeil (Jan 08)
Malware threatens small businesses’ data, livelhood Audrey McNeil (Jan 30)
Big fraud: Companies struggle to combat cyber-enemies Audrey McNeil (Mar 03)
Study Shows Recycled Computers Give Away Our Most Personal Information Audrey McNeil (Feb 28)
Number of lost NHS patient records on increase Audrey McNeil (Jan 02)
Is the 5th Time the Charm? - Nationalizing Data Breach Notification Audrey McNeil (Mar 20)
Less than zero: Zero-day vulnerabilities Audrey McNeil (Mar 05)
How consumers can prepare for future cyberattacks Audrey McNeil (Jan 22)
The ‘Uncertainty Index’ Audrey McNeil (Jan 06)
Cyber Criminals Using Online Attack Kits to Steal Data Audrey McNeil (Mar 20)
Cyber Insurance: 6 Facts You Should Know Audrey McNeil (Mar 18)


Target hack strips banks and credit unions of $200M Jake (Feb 19)
Forbes Data Breach Impacts Over 1 Millions Accounts Jake (Feb 15)
Fwd: Store customers: Information on potential fraudulent payment card activity Jake (Jan 22)

Richard Forno

Snapchat user info database leaks Richard Forno (Jan 01)
Massive UMCP Data Breach Richard Forno (Feb 20)

security curmudgeon

Secret Service investigating possible data breach at Sears security curmudgeon (Feb 28)
After Target, Neiman Marcus breaches, does PCI compliance mean anything? security curmudgeon (Jan 31)
Important Kickstarter Security Notice (fwd) security curmudgeon (Feb 15)
Congress is looking into consumer data security: But will it actually act? security curmudgeon (Feb 07)