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Bugdoor vs Backdoor

From: Dave Aitel via Dailydave <dailydave () lists aitelfoundation org>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2024 14:37:02 -0400

[image: image.png]

The security community (aka, all of us on this list) still rages with the
impact of Jia Tan putting a sophisticated backdoor into the XV package, and
all of the associated HUMINT effort that went into it. And I realized from
talking to people, especially people in the cyber policy realm but also
technical experts, about it that there's a pretty big gap when it comes to
understanding why someone would put in a backdoor at all, instead of adding
many bugdoors.

Some Background:

   1. A post
   on what NOBUS means when it comes to backdoors.
   2. Responsible offense from a bunch of Americans
   3. Responsible offense from the UK
   4. Responsible offense from the Germans
   5. A university banned from Linux
   for contributing backdoors as part of a research project

So as with all areas of responsible offense, there is a tight connection
and contention between good OPSEC and responsible operations. In
particular, it is very easy to get yourself on a team for a big project,
and add code that introduces exploitable conditions, perhaps handles input
in a way that causes a memory corruption, or does authentication slightly
wrong in certain circumstances.

From an operational security standpoint, these bugdoors are easy to
introduce, and I don't know of a serious hacking group that hasn't played
with this - if for no other reason than to fix bugs that cause crashes
while you are trying to exploit some other, better bug. Reading the
original UMN paper, (which was under-appreciated for its time, despite
getting them banned from Linux!) you can see that it is not really always
about adding bugs, but often about adding enabling features for bugs that
already exist in the codebase, making them more reachable.

In some ways, attacking the open source community by hacking into
developers or repositories has been the traditional way of ancient Unix
90's hackers, who understand a web of trust the way a Polynesian navigator
understands the swells and currents between islands.

From an opsec perspective though, bugdoors have limits. Fuzzers can find
them, other hackers can find them, and once found, they can be used by
anyone with the skill to write the exploit. Likewise, using them is risky:
No memory corruption is 100% reliable, and when they fail, *they fail in
the worst way, in the worst place, at the worst time*. Likewise, the
traffic you may have to do to shape memory in the target host is likely to
be anomalous, and easily signatured.

And from a responsible offensive cyber operation perspective,
bugdoors cannot mathematically demonstrate that they can protect the hosts
you target from third parties. *Bugdoors are never a NOBUS capability.*

Ideally a NOBUS capability would allow you and only you to get in and avoid
replay attacks, but a close second is a simple asymmetric key of some kind
where the target ID is used as part of the scheme. The XZ backdoor
used an Elliptic
Curve with a signature that included the target's SSH public key


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