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Re: MS06-034 lies? IIS 6 can still be owned?

From: Cesar <sqlsec () yahoo com>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 06:50:08 -0700 (PDT)

Some corrections:

I forgot to mention that for the remote asp shell you
will need permissions on cmd.exe because by default it
can't be accessed but you can use the next (or other
tricks available):

" /c " & response("cmd")).stdout.readall %>

Also it's not necesary to upload a binary to the
server since you can:

& " /c " & response("cmd")).stdout.readall %>

Thanks a lot to Brett for pointing out the cmd.exe
permissions issue.


--- Cesar <sqlsec () yahoo com> wrote:

MS06-034 lies? IIS 6 can still be owned?

Hi all.

After early getting the details of MS06-034 I
it will be cool to build the exploits since there
been long time without any IIS exploit and our
customers  (see *1) will like it, so I asked the
to build the exploits and that I will take care of
part of elevating privileges since I had some theory
that there was a way to elevate privilegs. 
What was funny is that some time later I realized
if you can upload an asp page then it's pretty
to have a remote shell running under the same
that the exploits would run:

-----shell.asp (got this from xfocus.org)------

/c " & request("command")).stdout.readall%>
So I wonder why MS patched the vulnerability if it's
pretty simple to have a remote shell on default

Mabye because wscript.shell can be disabled,
etc. or you can't run not upload .exe on the server,
in these cases the exploit will be handy.

Also MS stated:
on Mitigating Factors ....

• On IIS 5.0 and IIS 5.1, ASP enabled applications
default run in the 'Pooled Out of Process'
application, which means they run in DLLHOST.exe,
which is running in the context of the low privilege
IWAM_<machinename> account.
• By default, ASP is not enabled on IIS 6.0. If ASP
enabled, it runs in the context of a W3WP.exe worker
process running as the low privilege

on FAQ Workarounds...
-What might an attacker use the vulnerability to do?
An attacker who successfully exploited this
vulnerability could take complete control of the
affected system.

That's pretty confusing since they are saying IIS 5
6 runs under a low privileged accounts and then they
say an attacker could take complete control...???

My theory on the elevation of privileges was in part
wrong but I could elevate privileges so now the
exploits can also give you a remote shell under an
administrative account which I think this is why MS
patched the vulnerability.
While MS fixed the ASP vulnerability they didn't
a design flaw that allows to elevate privilges if
can run code under IIS 5 & 6 low privileged accounts

So now we will have available for our customers:
iisroot.exe that if ran from an ASP (.NET also) web
page on default settings it can own IIS 6 (and the
server of course).

(*1 http://www.argeniss.com/products.html)

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