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RE: RE: Microsoft silently fixes security vulnerabilities

From: "Boily, Yvan (EST)" <YBoily () gov mb ca>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:12:40 -0500

Are you sure you want to do risk assessment for all the 
thousands of security flaws that e.g. our robustness testing 
tools can find? 

No, I don't want to do a risk assessment on all of the flaws that can be
found, I want to do a risk asessment of the ones that can affect my
organization.  I can't do this unless I know what the flaws are, how
they are exploited, and wether or not they affect my version.  I also
want to be able to assess the impact on my environment that a patch will
have before I install it on each workstation on the environment.

Do you want to add filters and protections 
for all the millions of attack simulations that fuzzing tools 
can generate? Can you protect against e.g. all the attacks 
that PROTOS tools simulate?

No, protecting against every attack is virtually impossible; since I
can't protect against everything, I want to protect against the attacks
that can be used to drill into my environment.  Since I can't
sufficiently review every single product that needs to be used to
deliver the myriad of services my parent organization is responsible
for, I have to use the available information to decide which are the
most significant and credible threats.

Ultimately, any organization which uses commercial software has a soft,
chewy centre, but admitting this does not mean that I am going to try to
protect against every possible threat.  The point of defense in depth is
that you can provide layers of defense that will provide some measure of
protection against various threats so that you can reduce the attack
surface to a (hopefully, but usually not) manageable level.

Now what happens if we remove the "disclosure" from the 
process? What if we are able to deploy the patch without 
anyone noticing?

Without disclosure, there is no motivation to patch.  People do not
patch because it is a nice thing to do on a sunny afternoon, they patch
because there is a reason to, wether that reason is a desired function,
a security fix, or license compliance.  Bottom line, businesses (and
home users) will not upgrade without a reason as there is no need to fix
something that is working.  In an age where critical patches tend to
include bundles of joy like Google Desktop, or spiffy new DRM features,
this attitude is going to become more prevalent, not less.

Unfortunately the more widely deployed the product is, the 
more reverse-engineers (including security vendors) each 
security patch will attract. There is a partial disclosure 
related to every patch and update. But what if all customers 
would deploy the correction in time before the disclosure? 
The customer would avoid the peak in the risk.

This is security by obscurity, and not really acceptable practice.  As a
'security professional' (I hate that term), I have to preach the value
of patching, vulnerability management, and write reports that will
convince people to update and maintain systems as well as promoting
development of better software and improving testing processes to
improve vulnerability detection.  You asked before if people want to
perform risk assessments on every possible vulnerability; the answer is
no, but the better question is do I want to perform binary analysis of
*every* patch to determine the impact.  

The only way I can convince decision makers in an organization that a
patch or a fix is a requirement instead of a costly, nice-to-have
feature is by referencing the existance of an issue that will affect the
organizations ability to conduct business.  Without disclosure of a
vulnerability, this would make reverse engineering and binary analysis a
part of every-day operations, and it would quickly become tedious.  The
ability to identify a vulnerability from binary analysis is a critical
skill for security, but unless you are a security vendor or a
consultant, the application of that skill is the exception to the rule
rather than the norm.

So I would propose that consider every single update and 
upgrade as a security correction. Try to use the latest solid 
versions of the software if that is available without much 
extra cost. Do not run after the X.0 versions though, because 
those contain most flaws usually.

So, a patch to Internet Explorer that is labeled as critical, but
contains only a 'feature' update to protect Microsofts assets due to
their inability to observe patent ownership should be installed on a
system that runs Windows 2000, and is used for life-critical operations
within a health-care facility (it already bothers me enough that Windows
is used for life-critical operations, but that could be construed as
MS-Bashing)? p.s. I recognize that there were other patches rolled into
that one, but citing the extreme is better for my case :)

I am sorry, but blindly patching systems because the vendor says it is
required is some pretty bad mojo.  It places trust in the Vendor, and
given that you are required to install a patch to maintain
functionality, they have already violated that trust.  Aside from the
trust for security, you are also trusting that the Vendor has tested it
with all of your software, including kludgy in-house legacy software
that is critical to line-of-business.

So even if that annoys IDS and perimeter defence vendors, and 
lazy administrators who do not want to wake up at midnight to 
deploy the latest corrections to their systems, I am 
completely against public disclosure. It is very unfortunate 
that many people require proof-of-concept before they 
understand what a buffer overflow is. But after the first one 
they have encountered, people usually learn fast.

'Lazy administrators' are rarely the problem. 500 servers * ~6 pieces of
software per box * ~12 patches per year = 36,000 patches per year.
Assuming that there are no errors when the patches are installed, the
patches only take 15 minutes to apply, and the servers only take to 5
minutes to restart, and restarts are required for only half of the
patches, that is roughly 9000 hours of effort per year, and 6 hours of
down-time per year per server.  Note that the 9000 hours of effort is
extreme, and precludes the use of a good patch deployment service.  I
felt this was a fair choice given that patch management requires an
understanding of *how* a patch will impact the system before you deploy
it, which is pretty much not possible in a non-disclosure environment.
My estimations put this at approximately 4.5 full-time resources
dedicated to patching, but that is only assuming that patches are rolled
out across 8-hour work-days.  Realistically you would be looking at a
much larger number of triage teams to get in and patch before someone
reverse engineered the patch and released an exploit.

Somehow, I can't see such a dedicated team working tirelessly to patch
systems and keep them running as 'lazy', nor would I fault them for
wanting a 9-5 job if they were under that level of (excruciatingly
boring) workload.

IDS and perimiter defense vendors may enjoy the benefits of disclosure,
but those benefits are granted by customers who pay for services
designed to buy time to assess and deploy patches.  Organizations that
rely on IDS and perimeter defense for security, are pretty much hosed
anyway as all they do is create an egg shell around the environment.

So Steve I agree most vendors would prefer fixing the 
security problems quietly like any other quality problems, 
and in my opinion this is a perfect method of handling 

It is an absolutely lovely way to handle vulnerabilities if you are a
vendor, and a producer of patches, but as a consumer, it just plain

Non-disclosure results in a higher workload on skilled workers, pushes
each organization to build their own in-house security team (why should
Subway need a dedicated security team that is capable of reverse
engineering patches and releasing details to the IT group, when the
primary mission is the delivery of food services?  That is just silly!)

Silent patching also poses a grave threat to the security of
organizations; what happens if the next time Microsoft loses a patent
suit, they need to disable the Windows Firewall, or some other similar
security measure?  A silent patch, and magically, all that attack
surface gets exposed again.  It is unlikely, but certainly a

Fixing Quality Control issues in patches silently can be acceptable
simply because the patch can be backed out if the fixes break
dependancies; silently patching security increases the risk here;
backing out a breaking patch that corrects a significant vulnerability
without allowing the user to make an informed decision so they can
choose the more expensive risk (updating dependant software immediately
vs. probability of a compromise).  If information security was purely
about technical security (i.e. in a research lab), this approach would
be acceptable, but since the existance of security is driven by the need
to protect assets (i.e. business), the approach fails quickly.

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