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From: Dave Aitel <dave () immunitysec com>
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 17:11:02 -0400

From Anonymous:

The thing with floods is... you know they're coming. It's a simple mater of geography and nowadays the processing of historical data and current weather data (when I worked for flood forecasting they were using some hoary old DG-mini running a US Army Corp.s of Engineering program written in Fortran to model our river system and potential floods/etc and getting weather updates every X minutes from enviro canada during flood season). A city that far below sea level (imagine 6 feet of water... now try 20. YIKES) is just a matter of time before the worst case scenario occurs (and that is a complete flood), how they missed that worst case scenario is beyond me (I guess they honestly thought the dikes and leevees would hold...). I also love how people are talking like NO can be rebuilt and put back to rights. Any business will currently be reconstituting itself outside NO, I mean you're looking at several months just to get in there and have basic utilities like electricity/water/sewage, nevermind a place ofr people to live safely and send their kids to school.... if I were an NO survivor my current task would be finding a new city and jobs/home, because unless you work in the port or oil industry out there you're probably never going back.

If you want to post this to the list please make it anonymous. People hate the truth in situations like this.

P.S. if you liked guns germs and steel a related but completely different book is "a brief history of everything".

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