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Re: RE: This mornings Security Wire Perspectives - Ira's proof of concept code article.

From: Julio Patel <smerdyakovv () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 11:31:03 -0500

On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 07:08:56 -0800, robert () dyadsecurity com

So-called proofs of concept have been around for awhile. While it is
otherwise completely legitimate to search for security flaws in
products, putting together a proof of concept, then distributing and
publicizing it is just plain wrong. Frankly, these people are
enablers to criminals and vandals around the world.

So are gun makers, and the Sharpie pen company, spray paint
manufacturers, baseball bat makers, etc. etc.  The tools have dual
purposes.  Security Researchers are not responsible for the criminal
actions of others.

Upper Bound.  Lower Bound.  Anyone wanna shoot for something in between?

There is a big difference between responsibly finding and reporting
vulnerabilities, and going the extra step to put out proof of concept
code. Finding vulnerabilities and getting them fixed is clearly
important. When done responsibly, discoverers tend to be acknowledged
in the associated vendor alerts and, if significant, tech
publications as well.

"If I do all of the security Quality Assurance work for the vendor for
free, I should be thrilled that they get to dictate when that
information can be made public.  If I'm a good little security
researcher and work on their schedule, they might just be nice enough to
give me credit in their version of the advisory".

Easy there.  We know you're with Dave.

However, more attention is generated by distributing actual attacks
to compromise systems. When someone releases a new attack, especially
within the first three months of an available patch, it isn't due
solely to wanting exposure, or to be perceived as being elite.

I think proof of concept code and advisories should come out before a
patch is available.  Who is the security research community serving ..
the end user or the vendor? As an information owner, I would ideally
know my risks as soon as possible. Remember folks, the problem is still
there whether I know about it yet or not.  Just because a "good guy" was
willing to share the security problem they found doesn't mean that it
wasn't already found by a "bad guy".  I am far more concerned about
directed malice than I am worms.

Are you talking for all the end users?  Oddly, I might want the patch
before the exploit code...it depends on the situation.

While a a worm's impact can account for a large amount of total "loss",
the overall impact to any individual organization is far less than that
of a directed malicious attack.  A worm is annoying.  A directed attack
can be devastating.  We need to not punish security researchers for the
work they are doing for us.

I'm reminded of a childhood experience.  When I was 6 my parents bought
me a bike.  I had a chain to lock up my bike when I was away from home.
One day my little sister was playing with the lock and broke it.  I was
angry with her for finding this vulnerability in my security system
until my father pointed out that if my little sister could easily break
my lock, then so could a person who wanted to steal my bike.  Sometimes
it's better to know your risks so you don't make uninformed decisions
based on a perception of security.

HAHA.  Yeah, but you woulda been pissed if your sister broke the lock
and then told the other kids about it before giving you the chance to
put it in the garage with daddy's beemer.

Anyone who claims that security professionals need access to the
attacks so that they can test their clients for susceptibility to the
exploit doesn't understand the true job of a security professional.
Security professionals need to test for the presence of the
underlying vulnerability, but this can be done with a scanning tool
or examining the software version and settings -- it doesn't require
the exploit.

People who follow this advice clearly have no concept of what their
automated scanners are doing or even how they are developed.

apparently, neither do you.  You do know that many scanners check for
package versions, registry keys, dlls, etc. locally, right?  I'm not
saying that all scanners and all checks use local access.  I am saying
that many do include the ability to do the 'scanning' this way.  Ira
took an extreme, you've taken up the flag for the other extreme, and
the truth....well, it's out there somewhere.

Some perform penetration testing and may need to legitimately use the
attack, but I would contend that these people should be capable of
writing their own attack after reviewing the documentation, use
commercially available tools, or just use other exploits to
accomplish their mission.

Ira, what do you mean by this statement?  It's not a matter of being
able to write an exploit, it's a matter of being able to Verify findings
versus Identify findings in a reasonable time frame.  It's one thing to
say "based on version information, we believe this application may be
vulnerable" and quite another to say "This application has been verified
to be vulnerable".  Oh, and how exactly would "other exploits" be of any
use?  I'm not sure if your original words got edited, but that last
paragraph illustrates a fundamental misunderstanding of thorough
security testing.

hmmm.  i took Ira's statement to mean that if you're a pen-tester
worth half a chit, you'll be able to come up with a way to test for
the vuln on your own.  Note that I'm not saying that Ira is worth half
a chit...but, if you're contracted to scan a newtork and can't come up
with your own stuff, then your precentage of chit is on the decline.

The benefit provided by one legitimate use does not overcome the large
scale malicious use of an attack by hackers around the world. If the
attack is incorporated into worms, which happened with the Blaster
worm, the damage goes into the billions of dollars.

I'd like to throw the "monoculture" crap back at you on this one.  If
the attack payload is easily identifiable and reused, then the gateway
devices should be able to mitigate the risk.  I've never been a fan of
IDS or IPS systems as I don't believe they are properly labeled.  They
do not detect or prevent intrusions.  However they are getting
particularly good at detecting and in some cases preventing (at the
gateways) worms.  This is where your Worm Prevention System (WPS/WDS)
can help you... that is of course until a vulnerability is distributed
to attack them :).

one, you're contradicting yourself above.

two, this is about as silly as the 'encrypting email' post.  re-read
what you just posted.  are you saying that gateway devices should be
doing signature matching on known exploits?

Julio Patel
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