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ST19-001: Best Practices for Securing Election Systems

From: "US-CERT" <US-CERT () ncas us-cert gov>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 13:25:45 -0500

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Logo

National Cyber Awareness System:

ST19-001: Best Practices for Securing Election Systems [ https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/tips/ST19-001-0 ] 05/21/2019 
12:46 PM EDT 
Original release date: May 21, 2019


By adhering to cybersecurity best practices, election organizationsincluding state, local, tribal, and territorial 
(SLTT) governmentscan improve the security of their election systems. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security 
Agency (CISA) Hunt and Incident Response Team (HIRT) developed the best practices in this tip from lessons learned 
through engagements with SLTT governments, election stakeholders, and others. Organizations can implement these best 
practices, which harden enterprise networks and strengthen election infrastructure, at little or no cost. CISAs 
election systems best practices cover the following topics:

*Software and Patch Management*

Implementing an enterprise-wide software and patch management program reduces the likelihood of an organization 
experiencing significant cybersecurity incidents. A software and patch management program includes the establishment of 
an enterprise-wide inventory list, which provides an organization with greater insight into the software running on its 
networks and associated vulnerabilities. The organization can then use the inventory list to help identify and mitigate 
the risks to its election-related information technology (IT) infrastructure. Mitigations often include implementing 
application whitelisting, a best practice. (See Implementing Application Whitelisting [ 
https://www.cyber.gov.au/publications/implementing-application-whitelisting ].)

CISA has observed a correlation between the absence of a patch management program and the partial or complete 
compromise of an enterprise network due to the presence of commodity malware. Commodity malware is widely available, 
has minimal or no customization, and used by a wide range of threat actors. A partial or complete compromise could lead 
to additional impacts, including ransomware infection and the theft of sensitive data, which may include personally 
identifiable information.

Failure to deploy patches in a timely manner can make an organization a target of opportunity, even for less 
sophisticated actors, increasing the risk of compromise. If an enterprise-wide patch management solution is too costly, 
an organization should consider enabling automatic updates. CISA recommends organizations subscribe to the National 
Cybersecurity Awareness System [ https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas ] for alerts about security updates, threats, and 
vulnerabilities. This will assist organizations in maintaining situational awareness of critical vulnerabilities 
present in software widely used throughout their enterprise environments. It is vital to act quickly to apply patches, 
especially if there is an associated vulnerability being exploited.

*Log Management*

Retaining and adequately securing logs from both network devices and local hosts supports triage and remediation of 
cybersecurity events. An organization can analyze the logs to determine the impact of cybersecurity events and 
ascertain whether an incident has occurred.

Centralized Log Management

Organizations should set up centralized log management:

  * Forward logs from local hosts to a centralized log management serveroften referred to as a security information and 
event management (SIEM) tool. CISA has observed threat actors attempting to delete local logs to remove on-site 
evidence of their activities. By sending logs to a SIEM tool, an organization can reduce the likelihood of malicious 
log deletion. 
  * Correlate logs from both network and host security devices. By reviewing logs from multiple sources, an 
organization can better triage an individual event and determine its impact to the organization as a whole. 
  * Review both centralized and local log management policies to maximize efficiency and retain historical data. CISA 
recommends that organizations retain critical logs for a minimum of one year, if possible. 

Update PowerShell and Enable Advanced Logging

In addition to setting up centralized logging, organizations should ensure that instances of PowerShell are logging 
activity. PowerShell is a cross-platform command-line shell and scripting language that is a component of Microsoft 
Windows. CISA has observed threat actors, including APT actors, using PowerShell to hide their malicious activities. 

  * Update PowerShell instances to version 5.0 or later and uninstall all earlier PowerShell versions. Logs from 
PowerShell prior to version 5.0 are either non-existent or do not record enough detail to aid in enterprise monitoring 
and incident response activities. 
  * Ensure PowerShell 5.0 instances have module, script block, and transcription logging enabled. 

*Network Segmentation*

Organizations can limit the impact of a cybersecurity incident by enforcing network segmentation. Proper network 
segmentation is an effective security mechanism to prevent an intruder from propagating exploits or laterally moving 
around an internal network. On a poorly segmented network, intruders are able to extend their impact to control 
critical devices or gain access to sensitive data and intellectual property. Segregation separates network segments 
based on role and functionality. A securely segregated network can contain malicious occurrences, reducing the impact 
from intruders in the event that they have gained a foothold somewhere inside the network. (See Securing Network 
Infrastructure Devices [ https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/tips/ST18-001 ].) During on-site engagements, CISA has observed 
organizations without effective network segmentation suffer commodity malware compromises of all Windows hosts in their 

Organizations should define their distinct organizational components (e.g., human resources, IT administration, 
demilitarized zone, elections) and create a separate Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) for each component. 
Alternatively, if feasible, organizations should implement physical network segmentation for each component. CISA 
recommends that organizations restrict traffic between VLANs following the principle of least privilege. See below for 
additional guidance for protecting elections-specific VLANs.

Segment Elections-Related Hosts from the General User Network

  * Use dedicated servers and workstations for elections-related tasks. Organizations should never allow workstations 
with elections-related rolessuch as submitting election results to a reporting serverto be used for general purpose 
computing, such as browsing the internet. Organizations should ensure up-to-date patching of workstations and servers 
dedicated to elections-related tasks. 
  * Follow the principle of least privilege. Organizations should only allow elections-related VLANs to communicate 
with machines unrelated to elections on an as-needed basis. Other network traffic should be explicitly denied (e.g., by 
using a DENY/DENY ruleset). 
  * Apply the appropriate technical controls (e.g., implement Group Policy Object [GPO] and firewall rules) to restrict 
general internet browsing from elections-related workstations and servers. 

*Block Suspicious Activity*

Many organizations set their security devices to alert on suspicious activity instead of blocking it. When an 
organization does not block suspicious activity by default, it increases the likelihood of adverse events that allow an 
adversary to compromise IT resources. Organizations should follow best practices in disabling network protocols known 
to spread malware, such as Server Message Block version 1 (SMB v1). (See SMB Security Best Practices [ 
https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/current-activity/2017/01/16/SMB-Security-Best-Practices ].)

Prevent Malware and Malicious Traffic

Organizations should perform the following actions to block malicious traffic and malware:

  * Enable security features. Many network appliances, cloud services, and security software (e.g., host intrusion 
prevention systems) have featuresnot enabled by defaultthat block malicious traffic. CISA recommends that organizations 
enable these features. Note: organizations should thoroughly test changes before implementing them in production 
  * Scan all incoming emails for malicious attachments and links prior to delivery, and quarantine emails, as 
  * Train employees to recognize phishing attempts and ensure a process exists for reporting and triaging phishing 
  * Block macros from running in documents throughout enterprise. (See Who Needs to Exploit Vulnerabilities When You 
Have Macros? [ https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/cert/2016/06/who-needs-to-exploit-vulnerabilities-when-you-have-macros.html 
] for more information.) 
  * Before restricting macro-enabled documents, determine if any users need macro-enabled documents to perform their 
work functions. If macros are not used, disable them by GPO. 
  * If blocking macro-enabled documents across an organization is too restrictive, consider alternative solutions, such 
as only allowing macro-enabled documents for specific users or blocking macros from running when received as email 
attachments from external users. 

Disable SMB v1

In the course of recent engagements, CISA has observed threat actors using SMB v1 to spread malware across 
organizations. Based on this specific threat, CISA recommends organizations consider the following actions to protect 
their networks:

  * Disable SMB v1 internally on their network. 
  * Block all versions of SMB at the network boundary by blocking Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 445 with 
related protocols on User Datagram Protocol ports 137138 and TCP port 139. 

*Credential Management*

Managing passwords and using strong passwords are important steps in preventing unauthorized access to databases, 
applications, and other election infrastructure assets. Multi-factor authentication (MFA), in particular, can help 
prevent adversaries from gaining access to an organizations assets even if passwords are compromised through phishing 
attacks or other means. Threat actors have the capability to defeat single-factor authentication, especially when 
passwords are weak (e.g., common or trivial passwords) ortaking into account credential reusehave been exposed in 
unrelated third-party breaches. CISA has published the following guidance to assist organization in achieving the goal 
of fully preventing unauthorized access:

  * Implement MFA to prevent unauthorized access, particularly by external users, including APT actors. (See Using 
Rigorous Credential Control to Mitigate Trusted Network Exploitation [ https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA18-276A ] 
and Supplementing Passwords [ https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/tips/ST05-012 ].) MFA requires users to present two or more 
credentials (e.g., a password and the use of a hardware token) at login to verify their identity before being granted 
access to a given system. Organizations should consider implementing MFA for voter registration, election night 
reporting, and associated enterprise IT systems. 
  * Enforce password best practices, including the use of unique and complex passwords to access different systems and 
accounts. Accounts with additional privileges (e.g., administrator accounts) should have password requirements that are 
more stringent than those for standard users. (See Choosing and Protecting Passwords [ 
https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/tips/ST04-002 ].) 
  * If possible, use a local administration password solution. (See Local Administrator Password Solution [ 
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/mt227395(v=msdn.10) ].) 

*Establish a Baseline for Host and Network Activity*

An organizations IT personnel are critical in determining what is and is not normal and expected host or network 
activity. With the appropriate tools, IT personnel are well positioned to determine whether observed anomalous activity 
warrants further investigation. During on-site engagements, CISA uses the following metrics to establish a baseline for 
expected network- and host-based activity:

Network Baseline

  * Specific metrics should include expected bandwidth usage for 
  * The organization, 
  * Each user (if possible), 
  * Remote access, 
  * Ports, 
  * Protocols, and 
  * File types. 

  * Organizations should consider variables such as the time of day traffic occurs, i.e., remote access is more 
suspicious occurring at 1 a.m. than during standard business hours. 
  * Including additional metricssuch as the destination of network traffic and the destination Internet Protocol (IP) 
addresss geographic locationestablishes a more detailed baseline. 
  * Once a baseline is established, an organization should review the results to determine if they align with industry 
best practices. (See Handbook for Elections Infrastructure Security [ 
https://www.cisecurity.org/elections-resources-best-practices/ ].) 
  * Organizations should compare their baseline traffic with the rules from their boundary firewalls to ensure that the 
rules are acting as intended and align with industry best practices. 

Host Baseline

  * Organizations can establish a baseline by creating a gold image for workstations and servers. A gold image contains 
an organizations standard set of necessary, trusted applications installed for the set of systems for which it is 
designed. Once created, the organization should document the gold images configuration. Organizations should also 
document approved variations from the gold image, such as tools used by the organizations network or security teams. 
Examples of configuration information that may be useful in identifying anomalous activity include 
  * Hashes of critical operating system files; 
  * Software used for remote host access (e.g., a Virtual Private Network client); 
  * An organization-wide approved software list, which can help determine if detected software is not approved for the 
organization; and Information on configurations and settings that can be used to automatically launch software after a 
reboot, including services, scheduled tasks, and autorun programs.  

  * In addition to reviewing files on a system, organizations should review the location of file installation and the 
validity of the files digital certificate, if possible. 

*Organization-Wide IT Guidance and Policies*

Developing and maintaining guidance and policies targeted to specific situations and that assist in implementing best 
practices throughout the organization benefits an organizations IT ecosystem. Guidance and policies that can 
significantly benefit an organizations cyber hygiene include

  * A cybersecurity incident response plan and corresponding communications plan (see Incident Handling Overview for 
Election Officials [ 
https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Incident%20Handling%20Elections%20Final%20508.pdf ], Handbook for 
Elections Infrastructure Security [ https://www.cisecurity.org/elections-resources-best-practices/ ], and Election 
Cyber Incident Communications Plan Template [ 
https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/election-cyber-incident-communications-plan-template ]); 
  * At a minimum, include 
  * Roles and responsibilities of the parties in regard to the plans; 
  * 24/7 contact information for the parties with critical roles; 
  * Incident severity thresholds and associated role-based actions taken at those thresholds; 
  * A policy establishing a users responsibility to notify IT personnel of an IT security event; and 
  * Guidance that helps determine when the organization should notify external parties, such as CISA, the Federal 
Bureau of Investigation, or the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC) (see Election 
Infrastructure Subsector Communications Protocol, EI-ISAC Formalized Notification Process, both available from CISA 
upon request, and Cyber Incident Reporting Unified Message [ 
https://www.dhs.gov/publication/cyber-incident-reporting-unified-message-reporting-federal-government ]). 

  * Patch management policies; 
  * Password management policies; and 
  * An approved software list. 

Guidance and policies like these help formalize expectations for users and IT personnel. Organizations should formally 
document any exceptions to official guidance and policies.

CISA On-Site Engagement Preparation

CISA provides expert intrusion analysis and mitigation guidance to clients who lack in-house capability or require 
additional assistance with responding to a cyber incident. CISA supports federal departments and agencies, state and 
local governments, the private sector (industry and critical infrastructure asset owners and operators), academia, and 
international organizations.

Before CISA can approve an organizations Request for Technical Assistance (RTA) to provide on-network assistance to 
SLTT government agencies as part of a hunt or incident response, CISA requires proof that the organization has 
implemented login consent banners that appear on the screens of all servers and workstations accessed by the 
organizations staff and within the scope of the assistance. This login consent banner cannot conflict with other IT 
resource policies, procedures, or trainings. In many situations, CISA has successfully helped government organizations 
update their banners in a way that allows CISA assistance. CISA cannot approve deployment to an on-site SLTT engagement 
involving on-network assistance unless the RTA and login consent banners are approved. For more information regarding 
consent banners, see the Election Infrastructure Questionnaire [ 
https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Elections%20Infrastructure%20Questionnaire.pdf ].

CISA also strongly recommends that organizations maintain current internal documentation related to the Election 
Infrastructure Questionnaire [ 
http://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Elections%20Infrastructure%20Questionnaire.pdf ]. CISA 
developed the questionnaire to assist organizational documentation of election infrastructure cybersecurity posture and 
to identify key interdependencies.

*Notice and Consent Banners for Computer Systems*

This section identifies recommended elements in computing system notice and consent banners and provides an example 
banner. This section does not include legal advice, and the information it contains is not guaranteed to be accurate or 
complete. Anyone reviewing or developing a notice and consent banner should consider consulting an attorney and should 
note that laws can change rapidly, differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and can be subject to various 
interpretations by various entities. Further, notice and consent banners can require tailoring based on the specific 
circumstances and legal jurisdiction at issue. The elements or the examples may be inadvisable depending on the entity 
or situation. Applicable laws may include the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, any similar provisions in 
State Constitutions, and relevant federal- and state-level statutes.

Notice and Consent Banner Elements

  * The banner expressly covers monitoring of data and communications in transit rather than just accessing data at 
  * Example: You consent to the unrestricted monitoring, interception, recording, and searching of all communications 
and data transiting, traveling to or from, or stored on this system. 

  * The banner provides that information in transit or stored on the system may be disclosed to any entity, including 
to government entities. 
  * Example: You consent, without restriction, to all communications and data transiting, traveling to or from, or 
stored on this system being disclosed to any entity, including to government entities. 

  * The banner states that monitoring will be for any purpose. 
  * Example: at any time and for any purpose. 

  * The banner states that monitoring may be done by the entity or any person or entity authorized by the entity. 
  * Example: monitoring or disclosure to any entity authorized by [ENTITY]. 

  * The banner explains to users that they have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding communications or data 
in transit or stored on the system. 
  * Example: You are acknowledging that you have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding your use of this 

  * The banner clarifies that the given consent covers personal use of the system (such as personal emails or websites, 
or use on breaks or after hours) as well as official or work-related use. 
  * Example: including work-related use and personal use without exception. 

  * The banner is definitive about the fact of monitoring, rather than being conditional or speculative. 
  * Example: will be monitored 

  * The banner expressly obtains consent from the user and does not merely provide notification. 
  * Note: click-through banners can be best because they force the user to interact with the language. 
  * Note: supporting processes should generally also preserve/provide evidence of the users agreement to the terms. 
  * Example: By using this system, you are acknowledging and consenting to 
  * Example: By clicking [ACCEPT] belowyou consent to 

  * Nothing in the remainder of the banner or associated policies, agreements, training, etc., is inconsistent with, or 
otherwise undercuts, the elements of the banner. 

Example Banner

By clicking [ACCEPT] below you acknowledge and consent to the following:

All communications and data transiting, traveling to or from, or stored on this system will be monitored. You consent 
to the unrestricted monitoring, interception, recording, and searching of all communications and data transiting, 
traveling to or from, or stored on this system at any time and for any purpose by [the ENTITY] and by any person or 
entity, including government entities, authorized by [the ENTITY]. You also consent to the unrestricted disclosure of 
all communications and data transiting, traveling to or from, or stored on this system at any time and for any purpose 
to any person or entity, including government entities, authorized by [the ENTITY]. You are acknowledging that you have 
no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding your use of this system. These acknowledgments and consents cover all 
use of the system, including work-related use and personal use without exception.

*Additional Resources*

Elections-Specific Guidance

CISA Election Security Information:

Incident Handling for Elections:

Election Cyber Incident Communications Plan Template for State and Local Officials:

Election Infrastructure Questionnaire:

Securing Voter Registration Data:

Center for Internet Security (CIS) Handbook for Elections Infrastructure Security:

Patch Management Best Practices

Understanding Patches and Software Updates:

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-40 Rev. 3: Guide to Enterprise Patch 
Management Technologies:

CIS Top 20 Security Controls:

Ransomware Best Practices

Protecting Against Ransomware:

Password Best Practices

Choosing and Protecting Passwords:

Supplementing Passwords:

NIST SP 800-63B Digital Identity Guidelines Authentication and Lifecycle Management:

Enterprise Best Practices

Securing Enterprise Wireless Networks:

Website Security:

"Note: due to variances among enterprise networks and associated election infrastructure, organizations should not 
consider these best practices a prescriptive solution for all cybersecurity risks."


  * Election Infrastructure Questionnaire [ 
http://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Elections%20Infrastructure%20Questionnaire.pdf ] 


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