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Re: Creating my own personal Linux distribution for Penetration Testing and White-Hat Hacking

From: p1g <killfactory () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 19:23:40 -0500

or Samurai .3

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 6:42 AM, Chip Panarchy <forumanarchy () gmail com> wrote:

Recently I have been working on a distribution of Linux built on
Debian... to get more specific, built on Linux -> Debian -> Ubuntu
8.10 -> Super Ubuntu. Though I will probably build it directly from
Ubuntu (or Debian) sometime in the future.

My distribution has been specialised to suite the requirements of your
everyday (and not so everyday!) pen-tester and white/grey hat hackers.

My sobriquet for this distribution is: HackBuntu.

Though sometime in the (near) future, I will probably rename it to:
Subuntu. (SecurityUbuntu)

I have posted this on this mailing list for some advice.

Can someone please recommend me some tools to put on it?

Here is what I have already put into the distribution (excluding
command line ones);

Cain & Abel (via WINE)
NetStumbler (via WINE)
Maltego CE

Please recommend me some more tools to 'put into' this distribution.

Thanks in advance,

Chip D. Panarchy

SnortCP, ESSE-D, C|HFI, TNCP, TECP, NACP, A+, whatever..
o"     )~  oink oink
   ' ' ' '

If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked.
What's more, you deserve to be hacked.
-- former White House cybersecurity czar Richard Clarke

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