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Re: What's a good IRC Channel to go to for hacking advise?

From: Adam Pal <pal_adam () gmx net>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 21:31:07 +0200

Hello Chip,

Know how to find the information (search) is also essential in
"hacking", a similar issue (containing certifications you named) has
been discussed for not so long time ago on here, so if you were good
at searching, you would have some more answers.
As for IRC - from my point of view you will find skriptkiddies and
botnet-sellers but i doubt that good pentesters have nothing better to
do than waste their time teaching on IRC...
Sorry that i cannot serve better news, but thats the reality, though i
hope it will help you.

Best regards,
 Adam Pal   

Thursday, October 2, 2008, 7:58:59 AM, you wrote:

<==============Original message text===============
CP> Hello

CP> Just wondering if you knew of a good IRC channel (and server) that
CP> you'd recommend I go to for hacking advise.

CP> As I am hoping to one day become a white-hat hacker.

CP> And I want to learn as much about hacking as possible.

CP> Yes, I know this is a very broad subject... but that doesn't change
CP> that I want to learn as much of it as I can!

CP> So far I am 10 months through a 24 month networking course (where at
CP> the end of it I will probably sit for my CCNA and MCSE).

CP> I thought that that would be as good a place as any to start.

CP> And I have been reading programming books (borrowed about 5
CP> programming text-books, around half for Java and the other 'half' for
CP> C++). So hopefully by the end of the next 14 months (hopefully much
CP> sooner) I will be an apt programmer and 'networker'.

CP> I think that that will be the best way to start off as a pen-tester
CP> &/or white-hat hacker.

CP> Though in the meantime, I am interested in finding an IRC channel
CP> where I can 'chat' to white-hat (and black-hat?) hackers, and learn as
CP> much of them as I can!

CP> I will also try and learn as much as I can from this mailing list.

CP> Thanks in advance for any advice/IRC channels given,

CP> Chip Panarchy

<===========End of original message text===========

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