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Re: Windows 98 box is 'owned'

From: GuidoZ <uberguidoz () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 02:09:54 -0500

Speaking on the lines of WineX/Cedega, I'd highly recommend
CrossoverOffice by CodeWeavers. It's about $30 (US) and is awesome for
someone who doesn't quite get Linux and misses their Windows apps. It
will install a bunch of software right out of the box and supports
hundreds more with little effort. They have a compatibility forum that
helps decide if the program you'd like to install will work with WINE.
They even offer a free trial, fully-functional at that.

Website and more information here:

On Wed, 06 Oct 2004 22:32:09 +0100, xyberpix <xyberpix () xyberpix com> wrote:
Following on from Randy's post, I have to agree with him on this one,
even though I still have to convert my wife and parents over to Linux,
but my personal opinion on this one would be to use Mandrake for anyone
that is not familiar with Linux, but would like to learn, especially for
the HW detection. Also if you are willing to spend a few quid, you could
install Cedega(was WineX) which will get apps like Office, Photoshop and
Dreamweaver, it's worthwhile spending the few Pounds. More info on
Cedega can be found at

Just my 2p


On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 15:43, Randy Williams wrote:

Ahh the curse of the Netskyp!

Microsoft has indicated that support for the Win9x/ME series of OS's will no
longer have support in the future.  I am unsure of the exact date, but it is
a safe bet going forward that you should plan for support to not be

Your mother inadvertently has discovered the weakness of the software
firewall, if the user tells the firewall to compromise itself; it will do as
it's told!

If you Mom is up for a change (some aren't by the way), then I would agree
that a move to Slackware, Gentoo, or whatnot (insert favorite distro here)
would be the best answer.  Windows PC's require a lot of overhead to keep
running in proper shape, and while in a corporate environment that isn't so
bad, at home it can be a real challenge if the user(s) don't keep up with

I've field tested some Linux distro's with Windows 9x/ME users before and as
long as I had all the shortcuts they'll need on the desktop they didn't even
notice the difference.  If my own mother didn't require Office for her job,
she'd be running Linux right now!

Don't worry about being "affected", when I talk to my friends (after
cleaning up a completely hosed machine) and explain what it takes to keep a
Windows machine properly running, they don't like it either.  "I just want
it to work!" (trans. Without putting any effort into it.)

They really are becoming quite a bother to keep safe at home, and if you are
going to have to support it, why not use something that you can keep in
sniffy top shape (remotely too, if Linux based)?

Just my $.02 again though...  (As a disclaimer, I run Win2K at home behind a
Linksys NAT box, have ZoneAlarm Pro 5.x, SAV 9.0 CE, Adaware, Spybot,
Firefox/Netscape, Thunderbird and regular cleanings twice a month and I
STILL find junk that slips through IE on the rare times we have to use it!)


-----Original Message-----
From: Darren Kirby [mailto:bulliver () badcomputer no-ip com]
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 5:48 PM
To: security-basics () securityfocus com
Subject: Re: Windows 98 box is 'owned'

Hello all,

First of all, thanks for all the replies, it is way more than I was

After following the link provided by Bob Bermingham:
Sounds like the box is "owned", but not in the way you suspect. From
your description, it looks like she is infected with Netsky.P:

I can confirm this is indeed the Netsky.P virus. The filenames listed are
EXACTLY the ones on this box. From reading the description it would seem
is very old she (my mom) is running a very old unpatched windows
98? Please let me reiterate at this point that I am really ignorant of
windows...but I have heard that Microsoft has ended support for this old OS.

Is there still a patch available?

James Grant posted:
2) Install ZoneAlarm. It's free and it will give her
network protection. Set it up for her, because she may
not want to read the pop-up questions it asks at the
start to know what to allow.

Ironically, she installed this herself...I presume after she was already
infected. The problem with this she tells me, is that the pop-ups tell her
"foobar.exe is trying to access the internet" and she can not ever tell if
foobar.exe is legitimate or not. Unfortunately I don't think I could help
on this point, as I would not know either...

You all pretty much suggest installing software firewall, spyware checkers,
anti-virus scanners, even a hardware firewall...all my mom does is play
freecell, check email once a day, and browse the web infrequently (1-2 times

per week), so this hardware firewall seems a bit extreme.

RandyW posted:
Without constant monitoring though, the PC WILL become infected again, it's
just a matter of time.

This is discouraging, as I don't have the time (nor knowledge) to monitor
computer all the time. Perhaps it is time to say screw it and install
Slackware with a nice KDE desktop for her, because at least I would know how

to help with her problems, and it seems a lot easier than:

1) reinstall OS
2) install firewall, AV, etc...
3) patch OS in 5 minute window available (as mentioned by Kelly Martin)
4) educate Mom on use of AV, anti-spyware, good web practices (don't open
attachments, click on pop-ups etc...)
5) monitor until eventually another virus finds its way in.
6) Lather/rinse/repeat.

Sorry if I sound affected here, but being a unix guy I do not see how this
makes windows an 'easier' desktop to use. What do you all think? Is this
really what you have to do to have a usable windows networked machine?
Again, not trying to be a troll here, it is an honest question.

Thanks again for all the helpful information,
much obliged,

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