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Re: compromised network - followups - yuppers - ids

From: Alvin Oga <alvin.sec () Virtual Linux-Consulting com>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 14:57:55 -0800 (PST)

hi ya harlan

Collecting data is trivial...understanding what that
data is telling you is another matter entirely.  Sure,


- but if you keep looking and wantto learn, you will
  figure it out over years of studying the

Over years?  The original poster is sniffing from an
incident that has already happened.  To me, it sounds
more as if he's sniffing b/c he heard someone say he
should, not b/c he's looking for anything in


and even experienced folks might not know that "this pattern"
is abnormal ... and wont know what is abnormal till you
look at it ... some stuff is obvious :-)

I would agree.  Too many times, it's a matter of "I
don't know exactly what this traffic is doing, so it
must be bad".  Speculation serves no useful purpose
when investigating an incident, or troubleshooting a
network issue.

text of the law...very interesting.  It states that if
the personal data is compromised, the company must
disclose this fact...unless the data was encrypted. 
However, there is no detailed specification of
"encrypted"...ROT-13, bit-shift left?  Ouch!  

and i bet some folks probably have it rot-13'd :-)

Also, consider many organizations can
detect a compromise?  Acxiom and other places holding

am guessing maybe 5% ??? donno ..

and that after detecting the problems. ... what to do
about it another ball game 

personal information on consumers "detected" their
compromises when the bad guy bragged...not b/c of
their own internal processes.  So imagine if someone
took that same data, but instead of telling everyone
about it, used it in a very limited way, over time?  

that is the typical scenario ... including
the detection of the intruder ... they sleep for a bit
before they do anything ... to mke sure "coast is clear"
or gather enough boxes for a ddos or whaterver their plan was
        - i've seen sleepers in machines from 30-60 days
        ago ... the original breakins .. before they
        inadvertantly stepped on an ids trigger

c ya


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