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Re: ssh login protection

From: Burak Bilen <bilen () metu edu tr>
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 13:34:31 +0200

You could try a two-tier approach. Put an external server(a Pentium-133 is enough) between your mail servers and the world. Then allow ssh access(disabling root access) to this external server from all of the world. And configure your mail servers that only the
external server is able to ssh your mail servers.

Edmund wrote:


I was wondering if someone could clarify something for me.
I often ssh into two mail servers from dialup(thus dynamic
ip) at home.

Right now, I specify which IPs that can ssh into the two
machines but for dynamic IPs, I can't do that unless I
go crazy and allow xx.xx.xx.xx/16, which is not very
secure.  But due to the importance of me needing to ssh
to the servers, I've been 'slacking' off the security
and allowing a certain range of IPs (those that I'm
certain are from my ISP at home).
Can someone tell me if this is the appropriate way?
Or do I allow any IPs from sshing?

The reason why I'm asking is that I'll be taking
a holiday and believe I'll also need to ssh to the
mail servers.   I don't know the IPs ahead of
time since where I'll be staying, it'll also be
dynamically assigned.

Is there a solution to this problem?  I don't
want to open the servers to attacks from any
SSH-related issues that crackers would take
advantage of.

Any help appreciated

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